Arti dan Lirik - Serpents Of The Light

Free of their god,intelligence won
Bebas dari tuhan mereka, kecerdasan menang
Go with your instinct to live as you want
Pergilah dengan naluri Anda untuk hidup sesuai keinginan Anda
No longer begging for mercy from thieves
Gustanti pun MewRaswaRRRRRRRRRRRR _ punRRRRRRRR _ManualRRRRRR _ManualRRRRR _ManualRRRRManualRRRManual
They can’t come near you,through them you can see
Antara Antara Antara _ _RasRasRRRRRRRRRR _ManRRRRRR _ManRRRRManualRR _ManRRRManualRRManManualRR _ManRRRManualRR
Keep to the outside the teachings of Christ
Terus ke luar ajaran Kristus
Denounce the father,undo his disguise.Die!!
Bersama samasakah GustantimenantiRasRasRasRasRRRRRRualualRRRualRRManManRRManManRRManManRRManManRRManManRRManManualRRManManRRMan

Serpents of the light
Serpans cahaya

You are at one,the serpent now gone
Anda berada di satu, ular itu sekarang hilang
Harness the power to refuse the son
Memanfaatkan kekuatan untuk menolak anak laki-laki
Under the bible inherit deceit
Di bawah Alkitab mewarisi tipuan
Above it enlighten to what you can be
Di atasnya mencerahkan apa yang Anda bisa
Savor the pleasure once known in your life
Nikmati kesenangan yang pernah dikenal dalam hidup Anda
Heavens compassion you know is a lie
Wahai belas kasihan yang Anda tahu adalah sebuah kebohongan
Serpents of the light!
Serpents of the light!

Serpents of the light,return to where you hide
Jasas punwawaRasRasRasRRRRRualRRualRRasualRRRualRRualManRRRualualual NeedRRualRRRualRRualualual NeedRRualRRRualR
Give us peace of mind!
Beri kami ketenangan pikiran!
Serpents of the light,revolting parasite
Jasas unik Bagi Bagi pun Bagi Hewan Bugas Bagi Mewasiraswa Antara Antara Indeks
Thorns in paradise!
Duri di surga!
Serpents of the light,expelled from human life
Awan punwawa DinginaswawaRasRasRasRasRRRRRRRRasRR _ punRRRR _ punRRRR _ punRRRR _ punRR _ punRRRR _ punRRR
Free of Jesus Christ!!!
Bebas Yesus Kristus !!!