Arti Lirik - Scavenger Type

Gigin alone at the bottom of the hill
Gigin sendiri di bagian bawah bukit
Our protagonist named Bill
Tokoh utama kami bernama Bill
Sets his sghts on an anchor steam pint
Menetapkan sghts nya di sebuah anchor steam pint
All he needs is thirteen quarters
Yang dia butuhkan adalah tiga belas perempat
Congregated in his hat
Dikurung di topinya
A crow, a scavenger type
Seekor gagak, tipe pemulung
California redemption provides him with his rent
Penebusan California memberinya uang sewa
Room and board inside a fifth of comfort
Kamar dan papan dalam seperlima dari kenyamanan
As the wind penetrates his bones
Saat angin menembus tulang belulangnya
His mind keep focused
Pikirannya tetap fokus
Tidal waves of sound catapulted
Gelombang pasang gelombang suara terlempar
From his horn wail like lovers
Dari tanduknya terdengar seperti kekasih
The coins don’t drop consistent as does the mercury
Koinnya tidak turun sama seperti merkuri
His meter slows realizing a zenith
Meterannya melambat menyadari sebuah puncak
He’s reached perfection
Dia mencapai kesempurnaan
No one did see him die
Tidak ada yang melihatnya mati