Arti Lirik Joe Ely - Run Preciosa

I saw her in the barrio
Aku melihatnya di barrio
In the town where the brothers fought
Di kota tempat saudara-saudaranya bertarung
Across the river from the Moorish Mosque
Di seberang sungai dari Masjid Moor
That the Spanish Christians bought
Bahwa orang-orang Kristen Spanyol membeli
Her hair was dressed by Vesps
Rambutnya didandani Vesps
Woven in the leather wind
Dijalin di kulit angin
She grew up int the country
Dia tumbuh di negara ini
You could see it in her innocent grin
Anda bisa melihatnya dalam seringai polosnya

Run Preciosa, Run for love
Jalankan Preciosa, Jalankan untuk cinta
The olive trees need rain
Pohon zaitun butuh hujan
Memories of your gypsy past
Kenangan masa lalu gipsi Anda
Still ride on the midnight train
Masih naik kereta tengah malam
Your lover’s heart was way too wild
Hati kekasihmu terlalu liar
You saw it in his face
Anda melihatnya di wajahnya
You walk the graveyard with his child
Anda berjalan di pemakaman dengan anaknya
In a veil of Spanish lace
Di selubung renda Spanyol

The son of Tony Camborio
Anak Tony Camborio
Drove a souped up Red Renault
Melaju Sup Renault
With a muffler rusted as the red wrought iron
Dengan knalpot berkarat seperti besi tempa merah
Around his father’s burial vault
Di sekitar tempat kencing ayahnya
The Civil Guards raise their sleepy heads
Pengawal Sipil mengangkat kepala mereka yang mengantuk
When she spins to watch the car change lanes
Saat dia berputar untuk melihat jalur ganti mobil
Tho so many years have passed
Sudah bertahun-tahun berlalu
Not that much has changed
Tidak banyak yang berubah

Run Preciosa, Run for love
Jalankan Preciosa, Jalankan untuk cinta
The olive trees need rain
Pohon zaitun butuh hujan
Memories of your gypsy past
Kenangan masa lalu gipsi Anda
Still ride on the midnight train
Masih naik kereta tengah malam
Your lover’s heart was way too wild
Hati kekasihmu terlalu liar
You saw it in his face
Anda melihatnya di wajahnya
You walk the graveyard with his child
Anda berjalan di pemakaman dengan anaknya
In a veil of Spanish lace
Di selubung renda Spanyol

The hours paint the whitewashed walls
Jam-jam melukis dinding bercat putih
In shadows of Lavender-grey
Dalam bayang-bayang Lavender-abu-abu
Preciosa counts the ring of bells
Preciosa menghitung cincin lonceng
From the church where the white doves lay
Dari gereja tempat burung merpati putih terbaring
The flashing lights of the Civil Guard
Lampu berkedip Garda Sipil
Around a red renault they flash
Di sekitar renault merah mereka berkedip
Not that much has really changed,
Tidak banyak yang benar-benar berubah,
Tho so much time has passed…
Tho begitu banyak waktu telah berlalu …