Terjemahan Lirik Bathory - Resolution Greed

Independence, terrorism
Kemerdekaan, terorisme
A hail of pebbles and stones
Hujan es batu dan batu
Poverty and racism
Kemiskinan dan rasisme
The wheel of conflict rolls on
Roda konflik bergulir

Dictatorship, fanaticism
Kediktatoran, fanatisme
The battle lines drawn in mind and soil
Garis pertempuran ditarik dalam pikiran dan tanah
A drop of fucking human blood
Setetes darah manusia sialan
For every gallon of oil
Untuk setiap galon minyak

Hightech death and Disneyland
Kematian Hightech dan Disneyland
Censorship and Jesus Christ
Penyensoran dan Yesus Kristus
Dual moraled Uncle Sam
Dual moraled Paman Sam
World police and fucking apple pie
Polisi dunia dan pai apel sialan

The crescent and the endless
Bulan sabit dan tak berujung
Ever changing dunes
Pernah ganti bukit pasir
The sun and precious black gold
Matahari dan emas hitam yang berharga
A different culture language
Bahasa budaya yang berbeda
Creed and tune
Creed and tune
A different God I have been told
Tuhan yang berbeda saya telah diberitahu

Pushed into corners hunted down
Mendorong ke sudut-sudut diburu
Observed, surveyed and chained
Perhatikan, disurvei dan dirantai
Religious fundamentalism
Fundamentalisme agama
Prosper as preassure is sustained
Prosper sebagai preassure ditopang

Hightech death and Disneyland
Kematian Hightech dan Disneyland
Censorship and Jesus Christ
Penyensoran dan Yesus Kristus
Dual moraled Uncle Sam
Dual moraled Paman Sam
World police and fucking apple pie
Polisi dunia dan pai apel sialan

Resolution Greed
Resolusi Keserakahan
Resolution Greed
Resolusi Keserakahan
Resolution Greed
Resolusi Keserakahan
Resolution Greed
Resolusi Keserakahan
Resolution Greed
Resolusi Keserakahan
Resolution Greed
Resolusi Keserakahan