Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Extreme - Play With Me

Ring around the rosie
Cincin di sekitar rosie
Hopscotch, Monopoly
Hopscotch, Monopoli
Red light, green light
Lampu merah, lampu hijau
G. I. Joes and Barbies
G. I. Joes dan Barbie
Hide and seek, kick the can
Sembunyikan dan cari, tendang kaleng
Cowboys and Indians
Cowboys dan Indian
Wiffle ball, paper dolls
Bola wiffle, boneka kertas
Hacky sack and hangman
Hacky karung dan hangman
Tag you're IT, cops and robbers
Tag Anda IT, polisi dan perampok
Jungle gym, chutes and ladders
Jungle gym, parasut dan tangga
Tic tac toe, Mister Rogers
Tic tac toe, Mister Rogers
Marco Polo, London bridges
Marco Polo, London menjembatani
Simon sez, steal the bacon
Simon sez, mencuri daging asapnya
Time out, trick or treat
Waktu habis, trik atau mengobati
Electric company
Perusahaan Listrik
Olly olly oxen free
Olly olly oxen gratis

Do you, wanna, play with me
Apakah Anda, mau, bermain dengan saya

Spin the bottle, post office
Putar botol, kantor pos
Kiss and tell, dressin' up
Ciuman dan beritahu, berpakaianlah
Playin' doctor, peek-a-boo
Dokter Playin, mengintip-a-boo
Two hand touch, cooties
Dua sentuhan tangan, cooties
Little League, Looney Tunes
Liga Kecil, Looney Tunes
Scissors rock paper, Zoom
Gunting kertas batu, Zoom
Kick ball, stick ball
Tendang bola, tongkat bola
Kill the guy with the ball
Bunuh orang itu dengan bola
Buckin' up, recess
Buckin ‘naik, istirahat
Jump rope, relieveo
Lompat tali, relieveo
See saw, sand box
Lihat lihat, kotak pasir
Matchbox, Cheerios
Matchbox, Cheerios
ABC's, spelling bees
ABC’s, ejaan lebah
Sesame Street, hockey
Sesame Street, hoki
Duck duck duck duck goose
Bebek itik itik bebek angsa

Jack and Suzi sittin' in a tree
Jack dan Suzi duduk di pohon
First comes love
Pertama datang cinta
Then comes marriage
Lalu datanglah pernikahan
Then comes Adam
Lalu datanglah Adam
In a baby carriage
Di dalam kereta bayi