Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu Penetration (Fuck The Floor)

For a little piece of a second
Sepotong kecil sedetik
I have seen men
Saya telah melihat pria
Test-screen coloured
Layar uji berwarna
Wiped out afterwards
Dihapus setelah itu
Still there
Masih di sana
Thinking they were universe
Berpikir mereka adalah alam semesta

The swallow the world around me
Burung menelan dunia di sekitarku
They swallow my fucked up identity
Mereka menelan identitas kacau saya
They swallow the world around me
Mereka menelan dunia di sekelilingku

Located everywhere
Terletak di mana-mana
Cut into pieces
And set up again
Dan mengatur lagi
They burst to dust
Mereka meledak menjadi debu
Turn to liquid
Lanjutkan ke cairan
Spread themselves like sunlight
Tersebar seperti sinar matahari
Thinking they were universe
Berpikir mereka adalah alam semesta

The swallow the world around me
Burung menelan dunia di sekitarku
They swallow my fucked up identity
Mereka menelan identitas kacau saya
They swallow the world around me
Mereka menelan dunia di sekelilingku