Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu Over the Electric Grapevine

They headed southward from San Francisco,
Mereka menuju ke selatan dari San Francisco,
To be with Chuckles and the others.
Bersama dengan Chuckles dan yang lainnya.
With electric in the air and peroxide in their hair,
Dengan listrik di udara dan peroksida di rambut mereka,
They looked like golden brothers.
Mereka tampak seperti saudara emas.
They drove a Datsun, an automatic,
Mereka mengendarai Datsun, yang otomatis,
The radio blaring static,
Radio yang menggelegar statis,
He made a face into the light and burst out laughing at the sight.
Dia membuat wajah ke dalam cahaya dan tertawa terbahak-bahak saat melihat.
The hysteria ensuing would dominate the night.
Histeria selanjutnya akan mendominasi malam.
From all the candy, the seats were sticky,
Dari semua permen, joknya lengket,
As they were drawn into the grapevine.
Saat mereka tertarik ke dalam selentingan.
Then Introduce Yourself came on as they barreled through the gog.
Kemudian Perkenalkan Diri Anda masuk saat mereka meluncur melalui gog.
The demon puffing madly on a mentholated log.
Iblis itu terengah-engah di atas log mentolasi.
They were tired, they were sleepy,
Mereka lelah, mereka mengantuk,
So they parked behind the Roxy.
Jadi mereka parkir di belakang Roxy.
Adam left to use the phone, so he sat there all alone,
Adam pergi untuk menggunakan telepon, jadi dia duduk sendirian di sana,
When Adam’s voice come beaming through on the radio,
Saat suara Adam terdengar berseri-seri di radio,
He started laughing…
Dia mulai tertawa & hellip;