Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu Oliver Cromwell

Oliver Cromwell lay buried and dead,
Oliver Cromwell terbaring terkubur dan mati,
Hee-haw, buried and dead,
Hee-haw, dikuburkan dan mati,
There grew an old apple-tree over his head,
Ada tumbuh pohon apel tua di atas kepalanya,
Hee-haw, over his head.
Hee-haw, di atas kepalanya.

The apples were ripe and ready to fall,
Apel matang dan siap untuk jatuh,
Hee-haw, ready to fall,
Hee-haw, siap jatuh,
There came an old woman to gather them all,
Datanglah seorang wanita tua untuk mengumpulkan mereka semua,
Hee-haw, gather them all.
Hee-haw, kumpulkan semuanya.

Oliver rose and gave her a drop,
Oliver bangkit dan memberinya setetes,
Hee-haw, gave her a drop,
Hee-haw, memberinya setetes,
Which made the old woman go hippety hop,
Yang membuat wanita tua itu pergi hippety hop,
Hee-haw, hippety hop.
Hee-haw, hippety hop.

The saddle and bridle, they lie on the shelf,
Pelana dan tali kekang, mereka berbaring di rak,
Hee-haw, lie on the shelf,
Hee-haw, berbaring di rak,
If you want any more your can sing it yourself,
Jika Anda ingin lagi Anda bisa menyanyikannya sendiri,
Hee-haw, sing it yourself.
Hee-haw, nyanyikan sendiri.