Hei, monster mengantuk di pasir
Time to get up and have a drink
Waktunya bangun dan minum
Pacific rim has a tank that thinks
Pelek Pasifik memiliki tangki yang berpikir
That she is really something grand
Bahwa dia benar-benar hebat
Let me tell you about
Biarkan aku memberitahumu tentang
When I was hanging out
Saat aku nongkrong
Just in my dothi
Hanya di dothi saya
Running in the dawn
Berjalan di fajar
Right across my lawn
Tepat di seberang halaman saya
I saw a coyote
Aku melihat seekor coyote
Olé, olé, olé for Mulholland
Ol & eacute ;, ol & eacute ;, ol & eacute; untuk Mulholland
See the water fall
Lihat air terjun
And hooray, hooray the sky is falling
Dan hore, hayay langit sedang jatuh
Down on Bradbury's mall
Turun di mal Bradbury
Olé, olé, olé for Mulholland
Ol & eacute ;, ol & eacute ;, ol & eacute; untuk Mulholland
All waxed in pride
Semua wax dengan bangga
I've got a comfortable ride
Saya mendapat tumpangan yang nyaman
And man, she could take us
Dan manusia, dia bisa membawa kita
Out across the salts
Di seberang garam
Right out of these faults
Langsung dari kesalahan ini
And on into vegas
Dan ke vegas
So slept a monster in the dune
Jadi tidurlah monster di bukit pasir
Woke him up and then he drank
Bangun dia dan kemudian dia minum
Pacific rim has a think tank
Pelek Pasifik memiliki sebuah think tank
But does she have IQ for the moon?
Tapi apakah dia memiliki IQ untuk bulan?
The concrete of the aquaduct
Beton dari aquaduct
Will last as long as the Pyramids of Egypt
Akan berlangsung selama Piramida Mesir
Or the Parthenon of Athens
Atau Parthenon dari Athena
Long after Joe Harriman is elected Mayor of Los Angeles
Lama setelah Joe Harriman terpilih sebagai Walikota Los Angeles
Olé, olé, olé for Mulholland
Ol & eacute ;, ol & eacute ;, ol & eacute; untuk Mulholland
See the water fall
Lihat air terjun
And hooray, hooray the ants are crawling
Dan hore, hore semut merangkak
Down in Bradbury's mall
Turun di mal Bradbury
Olé, olé, olé for Mulholland
Ol & eacute ;, ol & eacute ;, ol & eacute; untuk Mulholland
Yeah, it's quite a sprawl
Ya, itu cukup gepeng
And hooray, hooray the sky is falling
Dan hore, hayay langit sedang jatuh
Down on Bradbury's mall
Turun di mal Bradbury
Olé, olé, olé for Mulholland
Ol & eacute ;, ol & eacute ;, ol & eacute; untuk Mulholland
Ol & eacute ;!