Carla sedang istirahat darinya
graveyard shift at the mayonnaise factory
pemakaman kuburan di pabrik mayones
She sat at a teetering picnic table,
Dia duduk di meja piknik yang tertatih-tatih,
there was a toxic orange moon
Ada bulan oranye yang beracun
and it was slightly cold
dan itu sedikit dingin
Carla took out her knife and began etching
Carla mengeluarkan pisaunya dan mulai mengetsa
random words into the table's surface
kata acak ke permukaan meja
Then, she thought of her co-worker Jack
Lalu, dia memikirkan rekan kerja Jack
Carla liked to think of Jack
Carla suka memikirkan Jack
as a luscious apparatus
sebagai alat yang lezat
He was meaty but graceful
Dia gemuk tapi anggun
His flesh seemed folded onto his body
Dagingnya tampak terlipat ke tubuhnya
like a suit made of meat
seperti jas yang terbuat dari daging
Carla started to think of Jack as a
Carla mulai memikirkan Jack sebagai a
luscious apparatus in a meat suit
aparatus yang lezat dengan setelan daging
Thinking this gave Carla a dreamy smile
Berpikir ini memberi Carla senyum melamun
Her mouth was small to begin with
Mulutnya kecil untuk memulai
but dreaming made it even smaller
Tapi bermimpi membuatnya semakin kecil
That's just how some people are,
Begitulah beberapa orang,
their mouths get smaller with dreams Carla's small mouth was dreaming
Mulut mereka semakin kecil dengan mimpi Mulut kecil Carla sedang bermimpi
as her knife began carving a poem into the table
Saat pisaunya mulai memahat sebuah puisi ke dalam meja
I like hot voids, smooth pants, lazy beds in the rain
Saya suka void panas, celana halus, tempat tidur malas dalam hujan
I like tongue petals, lather, a blistering sun
Saya suka kelopak lidah, busa, terik matahari
but what I like best is the worship
Tapi yang paling saya suka adalah ibadah
of a luscious apparatus
dari alat yang lezat
When Carla was done carving
Saat Carla sudah selesai dipahat
she went back to her work station
Dia kembali ke stasiun kerjanya
and scooped shiny white goop into jars
dan meraup goop putih berkilau ke stoples
That's just how some people are,
Begitulah beberapa orang,
their mouths get smaller with dreaming
Mulut mereka menjadi lebih kecil dengan bermimpi
The next day Jack took his own 1am lunch break
Keesokan harinya Jack mengambil makan siangnya sendiri
at the same picnic table
di meja piknik yang sama
He noticed the poem carved into the wood
Dia melihat puisi itu diukir di kayu
Although he didn't know who had written it,
Meski dia tidak tahu siapa yang telah menulisnya,
he coincidentally thought
dia kebetulan berpikir
'Luscious Apparatus' aptly described him
‘Aparat yang lezat’ dengan tepat menggambarkannya
So he took out his own knife and wrote
Jadi dia mengeluarkan pisaunya sendiri dan menulis
'luscious apparatus was here'
‘Aparat lezat ada disini’