Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu Laredo

Been shanghaied down in Laredo
Telah shanghaied di Laredo
The sunshine sticks to the dusty floor
Sinar matahari menempel ke lantai yang berdebu
I'm listenin' for the pay phone
Aku mendengarkan untuk telepon umum
A flask rolls in through a hole in the screen door
Labu mengalir masuk melalui lubang di pintu kasa
The cat's in the bag and the bag's in the river (X4)
Kucing di tas dan tas di sungai (X4)
Guess you found out that you can't hold your liquor
Kira Anda tahu bahwa Anda tidak dapat menahan minuman keras Anda
Keep your eyes shut, it'll go down quicker
Tetap tutup mata, itu akan turun lebih cepat
The cat's in the bag and the bag's in the river, now
Kucing ada di tas dan tas di sungai sekarang
Stolen from a shoebox
Dicuri dari kotak sepatu
Those sweet snapshots
Foto-foto manis itu
Blackmail on the rocks
Pemerasan di batu
White knuckles on a squirt gun
Buku-buku jari putih di pistol semprot
The jailbirds sing at the crack of dawn
Burung-burung jail bernyanyi di fajar
We got records, they're locked in my head
Kami mendapat catatan, mereka terkunci di kepala saya
I gotta a feelin' this deal has gone bad
Aku harus merasa kesepakatan ini telah buruk
The cat's in the bag and the bag's in the river (X4)
Kucing di tas dan tas di sungai (X4)
Well, put it in the car, got revenge in my liver
Nah, taruh di mobil, balas dendam di hati saya
Just pass the sign, outside the city limit
Lewat saja tanda di luar batas kota
The cat's in the bag and the bag's in the river, now
Kucing ada di tas dan tas di sungai sekarang
Stolen from a shoebox
Dicuri dari kotak sepatu
Those sweet snapshots
Foto-foto manis itu
Blackmail on the rocks
Pemerasan di batu
Loredo, loredo
Loredo, loredo
The cat's in the bag and the bag's in the river (X4)
Kucing di tas dan tas di sungai (X4)
Well, put it in the car, got revenge in my liver
Nah, taruh di mobil, balas dendam di hati saya
Just pass the sign, outside the city limit
Lewat saja tanda di luar batas kota
The cat's in the bag and the bag's in the river, now
Kucing ada di tas dan tas di sungai sekarang
Stolen from a shoebox
Dicuri dari kotak sepatu
Those sweet snapshots
Foto-foto manis itu
Blackmail on the rocks
Pemerasan di batu