Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu Lady Of The Flowers

‘Scuse me, I apologize
‘Maafkan saya, saya minta maaf
he likes your attitude, he tries it on for size
Dia menyukai sikap Anda, dia mencobanya untuk ukuran
he spends the afternoon, between your thighs
Dia menghabiskan sore hari, di antara pahamu
how’s that for gratitude, I apologize.
bagaimana itu untuk rasa syukur, aku minta maaf

It seemed to last for hours
Sepertinya sudah berlangsung berjam-jam
It seemed to last for days
Sepertinya berlangsung berhari-hari
This lady of the flowers
Nyonya bunga ini
and her hypnotic gaze.
dan tatapan menghipnotisnya.

‘Scuse me, I apologize
‘Maafkan saya, saya minta maaf
she’s got vacum cleaner eyes
dia punya mata vacum cleaner
suck you in
menyedot kamu
she’s got magazines, filled with pear pies
Dia punya majalah, penuh dengan pai pir
‘scuse me, I apologize
‘scuse saya, saya minta maaf

It seemed to last for hours
Sepertinya sudah berlangsung berjam-jam
It seemed to last for days
Sepertinya berlangsung berhari-hari
This lady of the flowers
Nyonya bunga ini
and her hypnotic gaze.
dan tatapan menghipnotisnya.

She wears her tears on her blouse
Dia memakai air matanya di blusnya
confused and racked with self-doubt
bingung dan disiksa dengan keraguan diri
she stole the keys to my house
Dia mencuri kunci rumahku
and then she locked herself out.
dan kemudian dia mengunci dirinya.

‘Scuse me, I apologize
‘Maafkan saya, saya minta maaf
he likes your attitude, he tries it on for size
Dia menyukai sikap Anda, dia mencobanya untuk ukuran
he spends the afternoon, between your thighs
Dia menghabiskan sore hari, di antara pahamu
how’s that for gratitude, I apologize.
bagaimana itu untuk rasa syukur, aku minta maaf

It seemed to last for hours
Sepertinya sudah berlangsung berjam-jam
It seemed to last for days
Sepertinya berlangsung berhari-hari
This lady of the flowers
Nyonya bunga ini
her electronic haze.
kabut elektroniknya

She wears her tears on her blouse
Dia memakai air matanya di blusnya
confused and racked with self-doubt
bingung dan disiksa dengan keraguan diri
she stole the keys to my house
Dia mencuri kunci rumahku
and then she locked herself out.
dan kemudian dia mengunci dirinya.

She stole the keys to my house
Dia mencuri kunci rumahku
and then she locked herself out.
dan kemudian dia mengunci dirinya.

She lays me down
Dia meletakkanku
she lays me.
dia memangku saya