Terjemahan Lirik - I Never Met Another Gemini

Slowly we peel away the layers and the light seeps through the cracks.
Perlahan kita mengupas lapisan dan cahaya merembes melalui celah-celah.
You whispered softly in my ear “the birth of morning's upon us, dear,”
Anda berbisik pelan di telingaku “kelahiran pagi di atas kita, sayang,”
the bandages feel upon the floor.
perban terasa di lantai.
And there was no one in that room.
Dan tidak ada orang di ruangan itu.
It's quiet down the hallway where the doctors wash their hands.
Tenang di lorong tempat para dokter mencuci tangan.
Behind my eyes I feel the hollow jabs of your morphine kiss.
Di balik mataku aku merasakan jilbab ciuman morfinmu.
Your anesthetic voice is autographed upon my bones.
Suara anestesi Anda ditandatangani di tulang belulang saya.
This reception died in vein.
Resepsi ini mati dalam vena.
In vain.
A tarnished angel leaves her ghost on the surface.
Malaikat yang ternoda meninggalkan hantu di permukaan.
A jealous daughter starves to death for the mother
Seorang anak cemburu mati kelaparan untuk sang ibu
as I awaited your return.
saat aku menunggu kepulanganmu
I wait for your return.
Aku menunggu kepulanganmu
It seems the only way that I will ever feel alive.
Sepertinya satu-satunya cara aku akan merasa hidup.
Throw myself into my injuries and close my eyes.
Lemparkan diri ke dalam luka-luka saya dan tutup mata saya.
I'd give anything to feel alive.
Aku akan memberikan sesuatu untuk merasa hidup.
And I will wait for you tonight.
Dan aku akan menunggumu malam ini.
The scalpel carves a map for you.
Pisau bedah mengukir peta untuk Anda.