Di suatu tempat antara Never Neverland dan Wonderland
In a land called Never Wonderland
Di tanah bernama Never Wonderland
There lived a beautiful wealthy young divorcee
Di sana tinggal seorang perceraian muda yang kaya raya
With a checkered past and a bad memory
Dengan masa lalu yang kacau balau dan ingatan yang buruk
Who should probably remain nameless
Siapa yang mungkin harus tetap tanpa nama
And men traveled from far and wide and try to win her hand
Dan pria melakukan perjalanan dari jauh dan melebar dan mencoba meraih tangannya
And she took in stragglers from all over the known world
Dan dia mengambil orang-orang yang bertualang dari seluruh dunia yang dikenal
Her newest guests were (as her mother called them)
Tamu terbarunya adalah (seperti ibunya memanggil mereka)
“The latest Russians to defect”
“Rusia terbaru untuk cacat”
One’s name was Hefner
Nama seseorang adalah Hefner
The other’s name was Disney
Nama lainnya adalah Disney
Disney smoked a pipe and was very philosophical
Disney merokok dengan pipa dan sangat filosofis
He was constantly surrounded by go go girls
Dia selalu dikelilingi oleh go go girls
And he used to take pictures of them without any clothes on
Dan dia biasa memotretnya tanpa pakaian
And sell them to the neighborhood children
Dan jual ke anak-anak tetangga
Hefner on the other hand was not so introspective
Hefner di sisi lain tidak begitu introspektif
He loved a good story just like anybody else
Dia menyukai cerita yang bagus seperti orang lain
In fact he loved the myths of Never Wonderland so much
Sebenarnya dia sangat menyukai mitos Never Wonderland
That he made elaborate molded plastic sculptures
Dia membuat patung plastik yang rumit
Of the characters in the myths
Dari karakter dalam mitos
Then he would put them out in the garden
Lalu dia akan menempatkan mereka di kebun
Until he had built a whole nother land in Never Wonderland
Sampai dia membangun seluruh tanah nother di Never Wonderland
Which he called Hefnerland
Yang dia sebut Hefnerland
And the neighborhood children loved them
Dan anak-anak lingkungan mencintai mereka
They had lots of fun playing in Hefnerland
Mereka bersenang-senang bermain di Hefnerland
And looking at all Disney’s go go pictures
Dan melihat semua gambar Disney pergi
Because they didn’t know any better
Karena mereka tidak tahu lebih baik
And they didn’t know any worse
Dan mereka tidak tahu lebih buruk lagi
But the beautiful young wealthy divorcee thought
Tapi perceraian muda yang cantik itu dipikirkan
That they were only after her money
Bahwa mereka hanya mengejar uangnya
Sometimes she even wished they would go back to Russia
Terkadang ia bahkan berharap bisa kembali ke Rusia
But between you and me they were really dupes of the Wicked King
Tapi antara Anda dan saya, mereka benar-benar menipu Raja Jahat
Who wanted to rob the children of their dreams
Siapa yang ingin merampok anak-anak impian mereka?