- Heard Too Much About Lirik Terjemahan

Heard too much about. Heard too much about.
Mendengar terlalu banyak. Mendengar terlalu banyak.
Heard too much about. Heard too much about.
Mendengar terlalu banyak. Mendengar terlalu banyak.

I've heard too much about the people in the ghetto,
Saya pernah mendengar terlalu banyak tentang orang-orang di ghetto,
Heard too much about the working class motto.
Mendengar terlalu banyak tentang motto kelas pekerja.
People in the ghetto.
Orang-orang di ghetto.
How you don't know life if you ain't seen the street,
Bagaimana Anda tidak tahu hidup jika Anda tidak melihat jalan,
Racialist poor against the racialist elite.
Orang kaya rasial melawan elit rasial.
Heard too much about.
Mendengar terlalu banyak.
A million people in factory and office,
Satu juta orang di pabrik dan kantor,
Aware there's something missing, but living with their losses.
Sadar ada sesuatu yang hilang, tapi hidup dengan kerugian mereka.
Working class motto.
Moto kelas kerja.
There's no fight to get where they'd rather be,
Tidak ada perkelahian untuk mencapai tujuan mereka,
Only the accepting of dependency.
Hanya menerima ketergantungan.
Wait in the shop, for what you ain't got,
Tunggu di toko, untuk apa yang tidak Anda dapatkan,
Lying on the beaches for the social elite.
Berbaring di pantai untuk elite sosial.
Working 9 to 4, revolved around more,
Bekerja 9 sampai 4, berkisar lebih banyak,
Fear, guilt, abuse, love and moral truth.
Takut, rasa bersalah, pelecehan, cinta dan kebenaran moral.
War in your bedroom, bodies in your fridge,
Perang di kamar tidur Anda, tubuh di lemari es Anda,
Domestic violence, the tomb you dig.
Kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, kuburan yang Anda gali.
Heard too much about.
Mendengar terlalu banyak.
Rules for survival, rules that they wrote,
Aturan untuk bertahan hidup, peraturan yang mereka tulis,
Thinking it's your freedom when it's rammed down your throat.
Berpikir itu kebebasan Anda saat menabrak tenggorokan Anda.
On the boundary, choose your family,
Di batas, pilih keluarga Anda,
Choose what school, no choice at all.
Pilih sekolah apa, tidak ada pilihan sama sekali.
Choose what church, it allow you to hurt,
Pilih gereja apa, ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menyakiti,
Choosing your power, is choosing your hour
Memilih kekuatan Anda, memilih jam Anda