Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu Gardening At Night

I see your money on the floor, I felt the pocket change.
Saya melihat uang Anda di lantai, saya merasa sakunya berubah.
Though all the feelings that broke through that door
Padahal semua perasaan itu menerobos pintu itu
just didn’t seem to be too real.
sepertinya tidak terlalu nyata.
The yard is nothing but a fence, the sun just hurts my eyes.
Halaman tidak lain hanyalah sebuah pagar, matahari hanya membuat mataku sakit.
Somewhere it must be time for penitence. Gardening at night is never where.
Suatu tempat pasti ada waktu untuk penyesalan. Berkebun di malam hari tidak pernah ada dimana.
Gardening at night. Gardening at night. Gardening at night.
Berkebun di malam hari. Berkebun di malam hari. Berkebun di malam hari.
The neighbors go to bed at ten.
Para tetangga tidur pukul sepuluh.
Call the prayer line for a change.
Panggil jalur doa untuk sebuah perubahan.
The charge is changing every month.
Tuduhan itu berubah setiap bulan.
They said it couldn’t be arranged.
Mereka bilang tidak bisa diatur.
We ankled up the garbage sound, but they were busy in the rose beds.
Kami mengaduk-aduk suara sampah, tapi mereka sibuk di ranjang mawar.
We fell up, not to see the sun, gardening at night just didn’t grow.
Kami jatuh, tidak melihat matahari, berkebun di malam hari tidak tumbuh.
I see your money on the floor, I felt the pocket change.
Saya melihat uang Anda di lantai, saya merasa sakunya berubah.
Though all the feelings that broke through that door
Padahal semua perasaan itu menerobos pintu itu
just didn’t seem to be too real.
sepertinya tidak terlalu nyata.
Gardening at night. Gardening at night. Gardening at night
Berkebun di malam hari. Berkebun di malam hari. Berkebun di malam hari
Your sister said that you’re too young.
Adikmu bilang kau terlalu muda.
They should know they’ve been there twice.
Mereka seharusnya tahu mereka pernah ke sana dua kali.
The call was 2 and 51.
Panggilan telepon adalah 2 dan 51.
They said it couldn’t be arranged.
Mereka bilang tidak bisa diatur.
I see your money on the floor, I felt the pocket change.
Saya melihat uang Anda di lantai, saya merasa sakunya berubah.
Though all the feelings that broke through that door
Padahal semua perasaan itu menerobos pintu itu
just didn’t seem to be too real.
sepertinya tidak terlalu nyata.