- F.s.o. Lirik Terjemahan

He beats you black and blue
Dia mengalahkanmu hitam dan biru
He loves you black and blue
Dia mencintaimu hitam dan biru
He leaves you black and blue
Dia meninggalkanmu hitam dan biru
He's just a criminal
Dia hanya penjahat

You think you're getting through
Anda pikir Anda sudah selesai
You think he still loves you
Anda pikir dia masih mencintaimu
You think it's all worth it
Anda pikir itu semua worth it
He's just a criminal
Dia hanya penjahat

You need help but you can't get nothing
Anda butuh bantuan tapi Anda tidak bisa mendapatkan apa-apa
He needs help but he's just too stubborn
Dia butuh pertolongan tapi dia terlalu keras kepala
So when they come with the bag for your body
Jadi saat mereka datang dengan tas untuk tubuh Anda
So sad, too bad, everybody's sorry
Begitu sedih, terlalu buruk, semua orang menyesal

You keep your mouth closed fade and die
Anda tetap tutup mulut memudar dan mati
Take control of your life and survive
Kendalikan hidupmu dan bertahanlah
I tell you know you've got to get out
Saya beritahu Anda bahwa Anda harus keluar
You've got to get out because you're better off without
Anda harus keluar karena Anda lebih baik tanpa

You deserve better than that …
Anda pantas lebih baik dari itu & hellip;