Aku akan menyanyikan Red River Valley
And he'd sit in the kitchen and cry
Dan dia duduk di dapur dan menangis
Run his fingers through seventy years of livin'
Jalankan jemarinya selama tujuh puluh tahun dari hidup ‘
Wonder Lord has every well I drilled ran dry
Wonder Lord memiliki setiap sumur yang saya bor habis
We were friends me and that old man
Kami berteman dengan saya dan orang tua itu
Like desperados waiting for the train
Seperti putus asa menunggu kereta
Like desperados waiting for the train
Seperti putus asa menunggu kereta
He's a drifter and a driller of oil wells
Dia seorang drifter dan driller sumur minyak
And an old school man of the world
Dan seorang pria sekolah tua di dunia
Taught me how to drive his car when he's too drunk to
Mengajarkan saya bagaimana mengemudikan mobilnya saat dia terlalu mabuk
And he'd wink and give me money for the girls
Dan dia mengedipkan mata dan memberi saya uang untuk anak-anak perempuan itu
And our lives was like some old western movie
Dan hidup kita seperti film barat yang lama
Like desperados waiting for the train like desperados waiting for the train
Seperti putus asa menunggu kereta seperti desperados menunggu kereta
From the time that I could walk he take me with him
Dari saat aku bisa berjalan dia membawaku bersamanya
To a place called the Green Frog Cafe
Ke tempat bernama Green Frog Cafe
There was old men with beer guts and dominos
Ada pria tua dengan perut bir dan domino
Lyin' bout their lives while they'd play
Lyin tentang kehidupan mereka saat mereka bermain
And I was just a kid that they all called his sidekick
Dan aku hanya anak kecil yang mereka semua panggil sidekick-nya
Like desperados waiting for the train
Seperti putus asa menunggu kereta
Like desperados waiting for the train
Seperti putus asa menunggu kereta
Now I looked up and he was pushin' eighty
Sekarang aku mendongak dan dia berumur delapan puluh tahun
And there's brown tobacco stains all down his chin
Dan ada noda tembakau cokelat di dagunya
To me he's one of the heroes of this country
Bagiku dia adalah salah satu pahlawan negeri ini
So why's he all dressed up like some old men
Jadi kenapa dia berpakaian seperti beberapa orang tua
Drinking beer and playing moon and 42
Minum bir dan bermain bulan dan 42
Like desperados waiting for the train
Seperti putus asa menunggu kereta
Like desperados waiting for the train
Seperti putus asa menunggu kereta
Then just before he died I went to see him
Lalu sebelum dia meninggal aku pergi menemuinya
I was grown and he was almost gone
Aku tumbuh dan dia hampir pergi
We just closed our eyes and dreamed us up a kitchen
Kami hanya menutup mata dan memimpikan dapur
And sang another verse to that old song
Dan menyanyikan lagu lain untuk lagu lama itu
(Don't cry Jack it's only Jesus comin')
(Jangan menangis Jack itu hanya Yesus comin ‘)
Like desperados waiting for the train
Seperti putus asa menunggu kereta
Like desperados waiting for the train
Seperti putus asa menunggu kereta
Like desperados waiting for the train
Seperti putus asa menunggu kereta