Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu Dave

(Soft knocks at the door)
(Mengetuk lembut di pintu)
Chong: Who is it?
Chong: siapa itu
Cheech: It's me, Dave. Open up, man, I got the stuff.
Cheech: ini aku, Dave Buka, man, aku mendapat barangnya.
(More knocks)
(Lebih banyak mengetuk)
Chong: Who is it?
Chong: siapa itu
Cheech: It's me, Dave, man. Open up, I got the stuff.
Cheech: ini aku, Dave, man Buka, saya mendapatkan barangnya.
Chong: Who?
Chong: siapa?
Cheech: It's, Dave, man. Open up, I think the cops saw me come in here.
Cheech: ini, Dave, man Buka, saya pikir polisi melihat saya masuk ke sini.
(More knocks)
(Lebih banyak mengetuk)
Chong: Who is it?
Chong: siapa itu
Cheech: It's, Dave, man. Will you open up, I got the stuff with me.
Cheech: ini, Dave, man Maukah Anda membuka diri, saya mendapatkan barang itu dengan saya?
Chong: Who?
Chong: siapa?
Cheech: Dave, man. Open up.
Cheech: Dave, man Buka
Chong: Dave?
Chong: Dave?
Cheech: Yeah, Dave. C'mon, man, open up, I think the cops saw me.
Cheech: Ya, Dave. Ayo, Bung, buka, saya pikir polisi melihat saya.
Chong: Dave's not here.
Chong: Dave tidak di sini
Cheech: No, man, I'm Dave, man.
Cheech: Tidak, man, aku Dave, man.
(Sharp knocks at the door)
(Tajam mengetuk pintu)
Cheech: Hey, c'mon, man.
Cheech: Hei, ayolah, Bung.
Chong: Who is it?
Chong: siapa itu
Cheech: It's Dave, man. Will you open up? I got the stuff with me.
Cheech: ini Dave, man Maukah kamu membuka? Saya mendapatkan barang itu dengan saya.
Chong: Who?
Chong: siapa?
Cheech: Dave, man. Open up.
Cheech: Dave, man Buka
Chong: Dave?
Chong: Dave?
Cheech: Yeah, Dave.
Cheech: Ya, Dave.
Chong: Dave's not here.
Chong: Dave tidak di sini
Cheech: What the hell? No, man, I am Dave, man. Will you…
Cheech: apa sih Tidak, Bung, aku Dave, Bung. Maukah kamu…
(More knocks)
(Lebih banyak mengetuk)
Cheech: C'mon! Open up the door, will you? I got the stuff with me, I think the cops saw me.
Cheech: Ayo! Bukalah pintu, ya kan? Saya mendapatkan barang itu dengan saya, saya pikir polisi melihat saya.
Chong: Who is it?
Chong: siapa itu
Cheech: Oh, what the hell is it…c'mon. Open up the door! It's Dave!
Cheech: Oh, apa apanya … ayolah. Buka pintunya! Ini Dave!
Chong: Who?
Chong: siapa?
Cheech: Dave! D-A-V-E! Will you open up the goddam door!
Cheech: Dave! D-A-V-E! Maukah kamu membuka pintu sialan itu?
Chong: Dave?
Chong: Dave?
Cheech: Yeah, Dave!
Cheech: Ya, Dave!
Chong: Dave?
Chong: Dave?
Cheech: Right, man. Dave. Now will you open up the door?
Cheech: Benar, Bung. Dave. Sekarang maukah kamu membuka pintu?
Chong: Dave's not here.
Chong: Dave tidak di sini