Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Crowded House - Chocolate Cake

Not everyone in New York would pay to see Andrew Lloyd Webber
Tidak semua orang di New York akan membayar untuk menemui Andrew Lloyd Webber
May his trousers fall down as he bows to the queen and the crown
Semoga celananya jatuh saat ia membungkuk kepada ratu dan mahkota
I don't know what tune that the orchestra played
Saya tidak tahu lagu apa yang dimainkan orkestra
But it went by me sickly and sentimental
Tapi aku merasa sakit hati dan sentimental

Can I have another piece of chocolate cake
Bisakah saya mendapatkan sepotong kue cokelat lagi?
Tammy Baker's got a lot on her plate
Tammy Baker banyak makan di piringnya
Can I buy another cheap Picasso fake
Bisakah saya membeli palsu Picasso murah lainnya?
Andy Warhol must be laughing in his grave
Andy Warhol pasti tertawa terbahak-bahak

The band of the night take you to ethereal heights over dinner
Band malam membawa Anda ke ketinggian ethereal saat makan malam
You wander the streets never reaching the heights that you seek
Anda berkeliaran di jalan-jalan tidak pernah mencapai ketinggian yang Anda cari
And the sugar that dripped from the violins bow
Dan gula yang menetes dari busur biola
Made the children go crazy, put a hole in the tooth of a hag
Membuat anak-anak menjadi gila, menaruh lubang di gigi bangkai

Can I have another piece of chocolate cake
Bisakah saya mendapatkan sepotong kue cokelat lagi?
Tammy Baker must be losing her faith
Tammy Baker pasti kehilangan keyakinannya
Can I buy another cheap Picasso fake
Bisakah saya membeli palsu Picasso murah lainnya?
Andy Warhol must be laughing in his grave
Andy Warhol pasti tertawa terbahak-bahak

And the dogs are on the road
Dan anjing-anjing itu ada di jalan
We're all tempting fate
Kita semua menggoda nasib
Cars are shooting by
Mobil ditembak oleh
With no number plates
Tanpa plat nomor
And here comes Mrs. Hairy Legs
Dan inilah Mrs. Hairy Legs

I saw Elvis Presley walk out of a Seven Eleven
Kulihat Elvis Presley keluar dari Seven Sebelas
And a woman gave birth to a baby and then bowled 257
Dan seorang wanita melahirkan bayi dan kemudian terpesona 257
The excess of fat on your American bones
Kelebihan lemak pada tulang Amerika Anda
Will cushion the impact as you sink like a stone
Akan melindungi dampaknya saat Anda tenggelam seperti batu

Can I have another piece of chocolate cake
Bisakah saya mendapatkan sepotong kue cokelat lagi?
Tammy Baker, Tammy Baker …
Tammy Baker, Tammy Baker …
Can I buy another cheap Picasso fake
Bisakah saya membeli palsu Picasso murah lainnya?
Cheap Picasso, cheap Picasso fake
Murah Picasso, murah Picasso palsu

Can I have another piece of chocolate cake
Bisakah saya mendapatkan sepotong kue cokelat lagi?
Kathy Straker, boy could she lose some weight
Kathy Straker, anak laki-laki bisa menurunkan berat badannya
Can I buy another slice of real estate
Dapatkah saya membeli satu potongan real estat lagi?
Liberace must be laughing in his grave
Liberace pasti tertawa terbahak-bahak

Can I have another piece of chocolate cake
Bisakah saya mendapatkan sepotong kue cokelat lagi?