Terjemahan Lirik - Casey's Last Ride

Casey joins the hollow sound of silent people walking down
Casey bergabung dengan suara hampa orang-orang diam yang berjalan ke bawah
The stairway to the subway in the shadows down below;
Tangga menuju kereta bawah tanah di bawah bayang-bayang di bawah;
Following their footsteps through the neon-darkened corridors
Mengikuti jejak mereka melalui koridor yang gelap dan gelap
Of silent desperation, never speakin' to a soul.
Dari keputusasaan diam, tidak pernah speakin ‘kepada jiwa.
The poison air he's breathin' has the dirty smell of dying
Udara beracun yang dia hirup memiliki bau busuk yang sekarat
'Cause it's never seen the sunshine and it's never felt the rain.
Karena tidak pernah melihat sinar matahari dan tidak pernah terasa hujan.
But Casey minds the arrows and ignores the fatal echoes
Tapi Casey memikirkan anak panah dan mengabaikan gema yang fatal itu
Of the clickin' of the turnstiles and the rattle of his chains.
Dari klik di pintu putar dan deru rantainya.

“Oh!” she said, “Casey it's been so long since I've seen you!”
“Oh!” Dia berkata, “Casey sudah lama sekali sejak saya melihat Anda!”
“Here” she said, “just a kiss to make a body smile!”
“Ini” katanya, “hanya ciuman untuk membuat tubuh tersenyum!”
“See” she said, “I've put on new stockings just to please you!”
“Lihat,” katanya, “saya sudah menyiapkan stoking baru untuk menyenangkan Anda!”
“Lord!” she said, “Casey can you only stay a while?”
“Raja!” Dia berkata, “Casey hanya bisa tinggal sebentar?”

Casey leaves the under-ground and stops inside the Golden Crown
Casey meninggalkan lapangan di bawah tanah dan berhenti di dalam Crown Emas
For something wet to wipe away the chill that's on his bone.
Untuk sesuatu yang basah untuk menghapus dingin yang ada di tulangnya.
Seeing his reflection in the lives of all the lonely men
Melihat bayangannya dalam kehidupan semua pria kesepian
Who reach for any thing they can to keep from goin' home.
Siapa yang meraih barang apapun agar tidak pulang dari rumah.
Standin' in the corner Casey drinks his pint of bitter
Berdiri di sudut Casey meminum pintunya yang pahit
Never glancing in the mirror at the people passing by
Jangan pernah melirik cermin ke arah orang-orang yang lewat
Then he stumbles as he's leaving and he wonders if the reason
Lalu dia tersandung saat dia pergi dan dia bertanya-tanya apakah alasannya
Is the beer that's in his belly, or the tear that's in his eye.
Apakah bir itu ada di perutnya, atau air mata yang ada di matanya.

“Oh!” she said, “I suppose you seldom think about me,
“Oh!” dia berkata, “Saya kira Anda jarang memikirkan saya,
“Now” she said, “now that you've a fam'ly of your own”;
“Sekarang” katanya, “sekarang kau benar-benar milikmu sendiri”;
“Still” she said, “it's so blessed good to feel your body!”
“Masih” katanya, “sangat beruntung bisa merasakan tubuhmu!”
“Lord!” she said” “Casey it's a shame to be alone!”
“Raja!” Dia bilang “” Casey sayang sekali sendiri! “