lagu Lucinda Williams - Terjemahan Lirik Bus To Baton Rouge

I had to go back to that house one more time
Aku harus kembali ke rumah itu sekali lagi
To see if the camellias were in bloom
Untuk melihat apakah kamelia sedang mekar
For so many reasons its been on my mind
Karena begitu banyak alasan yang ada di pikiran saya
The house on Belmont Avenue
Rumah di Belmont Avenue

Built up on cinderblocks off the ground
Dibangun di cinderblocks dari tanah
What with the rain and the soft swampy land
Apa dengan hujan dan tanah rawa yang empuk
By the sweet honeysuckle that grew all around
Dengan honeysuckle manis yang tumbuh di sekitar
Were switches when we were bad
Beralih saat kita buruk

Menahan diri:
I took a bus to Baton Rouge
Aku naik bus ke Baton Rouge
I took a bus to Baton Rouge
Aku naik bus ke Baton Rouge

All the front rooms were kept closed off
Semua kamar depan tetap tertutup
I never liked to go in there much
Saya tidak pernah suka masuk ke sana banyak
Sometimes the doors they'd be locked 'cause
Terkadang pintu mereka dikunci
There were precious things that I couldn't touch
Ada hal-hal berharga yang tidak bisa saya sentuh

The company couch covered in plastic
Sofa perusahaan ditutupi plastik
Little books about being sved
Sedikit buku tentang diopong
The dining room table nobody ate at
Meja makan tidak ada yang makan
The piano nobody played
Piano tidak ada yang bermain

Menahan diri:
I took a bus to Baton Rouge
Aku naik bus ke Baton Rouge
I took a bus to Baton Rouge
Aku naik bus ke Baton Rouge

There was this beautiful lamp I always loved
Ada lampu indah yang selalu saya cintai ini
A seashore was painted on the shade
Sebuah pantai dilukis di tempat teduh
It would turn around when you switched on the bulb
Ini akan berbalik saat Anda menyalakan bohlam
And gently rock the waves
Dan lembut batu ombak

The driveway was covered with
Jalan masuk ditutupi dengan
Tiny white seashells
Kerang putih kecil
A fig tree stood in the backyard
Sebuah pohon ara berdiri di halaman belakang
There are other things I remember as well
Ada hal lain yang saya ingat juga
But to tell them would just be too hard
Tapi untuk memberitahu mereka hanya akan terlalu keras

Ghosts in the wind that blow through my life
Hantu di angin yang meniup hidupku
Follow me wherever I go
Ikuti aku kemanapun aku pergi
I'll never be free from these chains inside
Saya tidak akan pernah bebas dari rantai ini di dalamnya
Hiddep deep down in my soul
Hiddep jauh di lubuk hatiku

Menahan diri:
I took a bus to Baton Rouge
Aku naik bus ke Baton Rouge
I took a bus to Baton Rouge
Aku naik bus ke Baton Rouge