Terjemahan Lirik Modest Mouse - Black Cadillacs

And it's true we named our children
Dan memang benar kita menamai anak-anak kita
after towns that we've never been to.
setelah kota-kota yang belum pernah kami kunjungi.
And it's true that the clouds just hung around
Dan memang benar bahwa awan hanya berkeliaran
like black Cadillacs outside a funeral.
seperti Cadillac hitam di luar pemakaman.

And we were done, done, done
Dan kami selesai, selesai, selesai
with all the fuck, fuck, fuckin' around.
dengan semua fuck, fuck, fuckin ‘sekitar.
You were so true to yourself.
Anda begitu setia pada diri sendiri.
You were true to no one else.
Anda benar tidak mengenal orang lain.
Well I should put you in the ground.
Yah aku harus menempatkan Anda di tanah.

I've got the time, I got the hours,
Aku punya waktu, aku punya jam,
I got the days, I got the weeks.
Aku punya hari, aku berminggu-minggu.
I could say to myself
Bisa kukatakan pada diriku sendiri
I've got the words but I can't speak.
Aku punya kata-kata tapi aku tidak bisa bicara.
Well I was done, done, done
Baiklah saya selesai, selesai, selesai
with all the circ, circ, circlin' round.
dengan semua sirkit, sirkus, lingkaran berputar.

I didn't die and I ain't complainin'.
Aku tidak mati dan aku tidak mengeluh.
I ain't blamin' you.
Aku tidak blamin ‘kamu
I didn't know that the words you said to me
Saya tidak tahu bahwa kata-kata yang Anda katakan kepada saya
meant more to me than they ever could you?
lebih berarti bagi saya daripada yang pernah Anda bisa?
I didn't lie and I ain't sayin'
Aku tidak berbohong dan aku tidak bilang ‘
I told the whole truth.
Saya mengatakannya secara keseluruhan.
I didn't know that this game we were playin'
Saya tidak tahu bahwa game ini kami mainkan ‘
even had a set of rules.
bahkan punya seperangkat aturan.

We named our children after towns
Kami menamai anak-anak kami di kota-kota
that we've never been to.
yang belum pernah kami kunjungi.
And it's true that the clouds just hunger around
Dan memang benar bahwa awan hanya kelaparan
like black Cadillacs outside a funeral.
seperti Cadillac hitam di luar pemakaman.
And we were laughing at the stars
Dan kami menertawakan bintang-bintang
while our feet clung tight to the ground.
sementara kaki kita menempel erat di tanah.
So pleased with ourselves
Sangat senang dengan diri kita sendiri
for using so many verbs and nouns.
untuk menggunakan begitu banyak kata kerja dan kata benda.

But we were all still just dumb, dumb, dumber
Tapi kami semua masih bodoh, bodoh, bodoh
than the dirt, dirt, dirt on the ground.
Dari kotoran, kotoran, kotoran di tanah.
Well wings on flames, kings with no names,
Nah sayap di api, raja tanpa nama,
well this place just ain't got right air right now.
Nah tempat ini saja tidak punya hak udara sekarang.
You were so all over town but still so Crayola brown.
Anda begitu keseluruh kota tapi tetap saja cokelat Crayola.
Well you should run 'round yourself right now.
Nah, Anda harus berlari sendiri sekarang.
And we were done, done, done
Dan kami selesai, selesai, selesai
with all the fuck, fuck, fuckin' around.
dengan semua fuck, fuck, fuckin ‘sekitar.
Circlin' round.
Circlin ‘bulat.