Terjemahan Lirik Pinback - Lagu B

upload the sound from the telephone line.
upload suara dari saluran telepon
its down periscope better cover your eyes
Periskop bawahnya lebih baik menutupi matamu
they burned down the station so long ago,
mereka membakar stasiun sejak lama,
that a rotting corpes qualifies as a show.
bahwa corpes membusuk memenuhi syarat sebagai pertunjukan.

well play that one later.
baik bermain yang satu nanti.
they've launched their antenna claws.
mereka telah meluncurkan antena cakar mereka.
called in a favor while you're choking on their tentacles.
disebut sebagai bantuan sementara Anda tersedak tentakel mereka.
you're falling asleep.
Anda tertidur.
don't look behind the curtain.
Jangan melihat ke balik tirai.
you're falling asleep.
Anda tertidur.
look in the spinning line.
lihat di garis pemintalan

oh my goodness! oh my goodness!
ya Tuhan! ya Tuhan!
rumbly in my tumbly and its bad for business.
rumbly di saya tumbly dan buruk untuk bisnis.
psycopathetic audio hum.
audio ps psycopathetic
sich-a-pathic stereo drone.
Done stereo sich-a-pathic.
when you cant put your finger on whats gone wrong,
ketika Anda cant meletakkan jari Anda pada apa yang salah,
but you can fall asleep without the television on.
tapi Anda bisa tertidur tanpa televisi menyala.
there's a sound in my head that wont go off.
Ada suara di kepalaku yang tidak akan meledak.
buzzing in my head and it wont turn off.
berdengung di kepala saya dan itu tidak akan mematikan.

well play that one later.
baik bermain yang satu nanti.
they've launched their antenna claws.
mereka telah meluncurkan antena cakar mereka.
called in a favor while you're choking on their tentacles.
disebut sebagai bantuan sementara Anda tersedak tentakel mereka.
you're falling asleep.
Anda tertidur.
don't look behind the curtain.
Jangan melihat ke balik tirai.
you're falling asleep.
Anda tertidur.
look in the spinning line.
lihat di garis pemintalan

play that around.
bermain di sekitar.
play that around.
bermain di sekitar.
play that around.
bermain di sekitar.

mommas tell your babies
Ibu memberitahu bayi Anda
not to rest inside your will.
tidak untuk beristirahat di dalam kehendak Anda.
kids in refrigerators wont scratch their way at and never will.
Anak-anak di kulkas tidak akan menggaruk jalan mereka dan tidak akan pernah melakukannya.
it's in their way
itu di jalan mereka
it's in the choice you make forced or mistake.
itu di pilihan Anda membuat dipaksa atau kesalahan.
it's in the way you're will
itu seperti keinginanmu
not break.
tidak putus
whether you're right or wrong.
apakah Anda benar atau salah
not break.
tidak putus

well play that one later.
baik bermain yang satu nanti.
they've launched their antenna claws.
mereka telah meluncurkan antena cakar mereka.
called in a favor while you're choking on their tentacles.
disebut sebagai bantuan sementara Anda tersedak tentakel mereka.
you're falling asleep.
Anda tertidur.
don't worry about the curtain.
Jangan khawatir dengan tirai.
you're falling asleep.
Anda tertidur.
look in the spinning line.
lihat di garis pemintalan

you're falling asleep.
Anda tertidur.
don't worry about the curtain.
Jangan khawatir dengan tirai.
you're falling asleep.
Anda tertidur.
you're look in the spinning line…
Anda terlihat di garis pemintalan …