Terjemahan Lirik - Forbidden Crypts

We smelled the greasepaint in the air,
Kami berbau greasepaint di udara,
They stumbled into town last night, completely unaware,
Mereka tersandung ke kota tadi malam, sama sekali tidak sadar,
Clad in shirts of mesh and with mascara on their eyes
Berbalut kemeja jaring dan dengan maskara di mata mereka
We saw a keyboard player and we knew they had to die.
Kami melihat pemain keyboard dan kami tahu mereka harus mati.
They played a show at Ivan’s Inn,
Mereka memainkan pertunjukan di Ivan’s Inn,
From underneath the stage we heard the caterwauling din,
Dari bawah panggung kami mendengar hiruk pikuk makan,
They sang of forests, elves, and trolls,
Mereka bernyanyi tentang hutan, elf, dan troll,
The urge to kill them on the spot we barely could control
Dorongan untuk membunuh mereka di tempat yang nyaris tidak bisa kami kendalikan
After the show they all got drunk,
Setelah pertunjukan mereka semua mabuk,
Apparently to celebrate a set that really stunk,
Rupanya untuk merayakan satu set yang benar-benar stunk,
To the graveyard they predictably paid call,
Untuk kuburan mereka diduga membayar panggilan,
These lords of chaos whined about their tour bus being small
Inilah penguasa kekacauan yang merengek tentang bus wisata mereka yang kecil
They spoke of Norway and “the scene”
Mereka berbicara tentang Norwegia dan “adegan”
The sound of laughing Ghouls reverberated through the trees
Suara Ghoul yang tertawa bergema di antara pepohonan
“We should take some pictures!” the one in chain mail said,
“Kita harus mengambil beberapa gambar!” yang ada di surat berantai berkata,
“That’s it.” Cremator growled, “It’s time these idiots were dead.”
“Itu dia.” Cremator menggeram, “Sudah waktunya idiot ini meninggal.”
They scattered like rats when they saw Ghoul attack,
Mereka bertebaran seperti tikus saat melihat serangan Ghoul,
The drummer was the first to go, a hook in his back
Si drummer adalah orang pertama yang pergi, kail di punggungnya
Machetes were sinking into painted flesh
Machetes tenggelam ke dalam daging yang dicat
Carnage and gore soaking leather and mesh
Carnage dan menanduk kulit jenggot dan jala
The keyboardist begged but Fermentor just laughed
Si keyboardist memohon tapi Fermentor hanya tertawa
We hacked off his hands and then chopped him in half
Kami merenggut tangannya dan kemudian memotongnya menjadi dua
The vocalist was strangled with his very guts
Si vokalis dicekik dengan nyali
His female back-up expired from her cuts
Back up perempuannya kadaluwarsa dari potongannya
Splattering brain pans as a matter of course
Memercikkan panci otak sebagai masalah tentu saja
Violently murdering with no fucking remorse
Dengan kasar membunuh tanpa penyesalan sialan
Their bassist, to a boobytrap, paid a toll
Bassis mereka, menjadi boobytrap, membayar korban
His head having gained five or six extra holes
Kepalanya telah mendapatkan lima atau enam lubang ekstra
The blood from his mouth made a hot, steamy treat
Darah dari mulutnya membuat makanan panas dan beruap
We savoured the moment, then sawed off his feet
Kami menikmati saat ini, lalu menggergaji kakinya
Both of the guitarists made a run for the gate
Kedua gitaris membuat lari menuju gerbang
Digestor cut them off and sealed their fate
Digestor memotongnya dan menyegel nasib mereka
One of them cried while the other was killed,
Salah satu dari mereka menangis sementara yang lainnya terbunuh,
His tears did no good as his skull was still drilled
Air matanya tidak bagus karena tengkoraknya masih dibor
Slicing and dicing, our fanatic obsession
Slicing dan dicing, obsesi fanatik kita
Of slaughtering poseurs, we’ve made a profession
Dari pembantai poseurs, kami telah membuat sebuah profesi
In our forbidden…
Di tempat terlarang kami …
Forbidden crypts!!!
Kripta terlarang !!!