Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Van Morrison - You Don't Pull No Punches, But You Don't Push

(Da da da….)
(Da da da ….)

When you were a child, you were a tomboy
Saat Anda masih kecil, Anda adalah tomboi
Gimme soul satisfaction
Beri kepuasan jiwa
Way back in shady lane
Jalan kembali di jalur teduh
Do you remember darlin'?
Apakah kamu ingat darlin ‘?

And it's the woman in you, and it's the woman in you
Dan itu wanita di dalam dirimu, dan itu wanita di dalam dirimu
Gimme soul satisfaction
Beri kepuasan jiwa
And it takes the child in you to know
Dan dibutuhkan anak di dalam kamu untuk tahu
The woman an' you are one
Wanita itu adalah ‘kamu adalah satu

We're goin' out in the country to get down to the real soul,
Kami pergi ke luar negeri untuk turun ke jiwa yang sebenarnya,
I mean the real soul, people,
Maksudku jiwa sejati, orang,
We're goin' out in the country, get down to the real soul
Kami pergi keluar negeri, turun ke jiwa yang sebenarnya
We're gettin' out to the west coast
Kita menuju ke pantai barat
Shining our light into the days of bloomin' wonder
Bersinar cahaya kita sampai hari-hari keajaiban
Goin' as much with the river as not, as not, yeah, yeah
Goin ‘sama seperti sungai seperti tidak, tidak, ya, ya
An' I'm goin' as much with the river as not
‘Aku pergi dengan sungai sebanyak tidak
Yeah, yeah, right, yeah
Ya, ya, benar, ya

Blake and the Eternals oh standin' with the Sisters of Mercy
Blake dan Eternals oh bersamaku dengan Suster-Suster Mercy
Looking for the Veedon Fleece, yeah
Mencari Veedon Fleece, yeah
William Blake and the Eternals oh standin' with the Sisters of Mercy
William Blake dan orang-orang Eternal berdiam diri dengan Suster-Suster Mercy
Looking for the Veedon Fleece, yeah
Mencari Veedon Fleece, yeah
You don't pull no punches, but you don't push the river
Anda tidak menarik pukulan, tapi Anda tidak mendorong sungai
You don't pull no punches, and you don't push the river
Anda tidak menarik pukulan, dan Anda tidak mendorong sungai
You don't pull no punches, and you don't push the river, no, no
Anda tidak menarik pukulan, dan Anda tidak mendorong sungai, tidak, tidak
Goin' as much with the river as not
Goin ‘sebanyak dengan sungai tidak

We're goin' out in the West, down to the cathedrals
Kami pergi keluar di Barat, turun ke katedral
We're goin' out in the West (alright), down to the beaches
Kami pergi ke Barat (baiklah), turun ke pantai
And the Sisters of Mercy, behind the sun
Dan para suster rahmat, di belakang terik matahari
Oh behind the sun
Oh di belakang terik matahari

And William Blake and the Sisters of Mercy looking for the Veedon Fleece,
Dan William Blake dan Sisters of Mercy mencari Veedon Fleece,
You don't pull no punches, goin' west, goin' as much with the river as not
Anda tidak menarik pukulan, pergi ke barat, pergi ke sungai sebanyak tidak
With the river as not, with the river as not, goin' as much,
Dengan sungai seperti tidak, dengan sungai tidak, goin ‘sebanyak,
Goin' as much with the river as not, no, ah
Goin ‘sama seperti sungai, bukan, ah
You don't pull no punches, and you don't push the river, no
Anda tidak menarik pukulan, dan Anda tidak mendorong sungai, tidak
You don't pull no punches, but you don't push the river, no
Anda tidak menarik pukulan, tapi Anda tidak mendorong sungai, tidak
You don't pull no punches, but you don't push the river, no
Anda tidak menarik pukulan, tapi Anda tidak mendorong sungai, tidak
You don't pull no punches, but you don't push the river
Anda tidak menarik pukulan, tapi Anda tidak mendorong sungai

And we was contemplating Baba, Willia
Dan kami merenungkan Baba, Willia