Arti Lirik - Who Was In My Room Last Night?

All night long my body burned, the sheets were wet and cold
Sepanjang malam tubuhku terbakar, seprainya basah dan dingin
The lights were on, my eyes were gone, and any second lose control
Lampu menyala, mataku hilang, dan ada yang kehilangan kendali
The pounding in my window or just the pounding in my head
Dentuman di jendelaku atau hanya debaran di kepalaku
I wonder who was in my room last night.
Aku ingin tahu siapa yang ada di kamarku tadi malam.
Who the hell was in my bed?
Siapa yang ada di tempat tidurku?
There must have been a body there
Pasti ada mayat di sana
I swear I smelled some flesh
Aku bersumpah aku berbau daging
It took a little time but I figured they were mine
Butuh sedikit waktu tapi kupikir itu milikku
There were fingers going down my chest
Ada jari-jari di dadaku
My mouth went through the ceiling and my body fell to the floor
Mulutku menembus langit-langit dan tubuhku jatuh ke lantai
I couldn’t find a key cause there was nothing I could see
Saya tidak dapat menemukan penyebab utama tidak ada yang bisa saya lihat
And so I ran through the door
Jadi aku berlari melewati pintu
The cops, the priest, the crisis line, and no one really had a clue
Polisi, pendeta, garis krisis, dan tidak ada yang benar-benar tahu
No one to tell us who was touchin’ me
Tidak ada yang memberitahuku siapa yang menyentuhku
Or exactly what I could do
Atau apa yang bisa saya lakukan
My throat was dry my hopes were high
Tenggorokanku kering, harapanku tinggi
But nothing really ever got said
Tapi tidak ada yang benar-benar pernah dikatakan
But who was in my room last night?
Tapi siapa yang ada di kamarku tadi malam?
Who the hell was in my bed?
Siapa yang ada di tempat tidurku?