Arti Lirik Winterlong - The Water Spirit

Don't say a word, don't make a sound…
Jangan mengucapkan sepatah kata pun, jangan bersuara
For the goblins and blackelves, and witches and trolls
Untuk goblin dan blackelves, dan penyihir dan troll
They all had a part in his nocturnal play.
Mereka semua berperan dalam drama nokturnalnya.
Some say he was evil, the Devil himself,
Ada yang bilang dia jahat, Iblis sendiri,
He fooled all with passion, and led them astray.
Dia membodohi semua dengan gairah, dan menyesatkan mereka.
So the goblins and blackelves, and witches and trolls,
Jadi para goblin dan blackelves, dan penyihir dan troll,
Went into the river all dazed by the spell,
Pergi ke sungai semua bingung oleh mantra,
Don't say he was evil, nor Devil below,
Jangan bilang dia jahat, atau Iblis di bawah,
He fooled you with magic and led you astray!
Dia membodohi Anda dengan sihir dan menyesatkan Anda!