Terjemahan Lirik Lagu - The Riverside

We spent all night down by the riverside
Kami menghabiskan sepanjang malam di tepi sungai
Laughin’ at nothing and talking too much
Tertawa sama sekali dan berbicara terlalu banyak
And the moonlight was so bright in your eyes
Dan sinar rembulan begitu terang di matamu
Before I knew it, I was falling in love
Sebelum saya mengetahuinya, saya jatuh cinta
It was too cold to swim so we just lay there
Terlalu dingin untuk berenang jadi kita hanya berbaring di sana
On the bank ’til the break of day
Di bank sampai siang hari
Though we never went in the water
Padahal kita tidak pernah masuk air
We were swept away
Kami tersapu bersih
And the river rolled
Dan sungai berguling
And the night got cold
Dan malam menjadi dingin
But you held me close
Tapi kau memelukku erat-erat
And you warmed my soul
Dan kamu menghangatkan jiwaku
We spent all night down by the riverside
Kami menghabiskan sepanjang malam di tepi sungai
Wonderin’ how it happened so fast
Wonderin ‘bagaimana kejadiannya begitu cepat
And it sure did take us by surprise
Dan itu pasti mengejutkan kami
When that mornin’ sun came up at last
Saat matahari mungil itu akhirnya terbit
It was too cold to swim so we just lay there
Terlalu dingin untuk berenang jadi kita hanya berbaring di sana
On the bank ’til the break of day
Di bank sampai siang hari
Though we never went in the water
Padahal kita tidak pernah masuk air
We were swept away
Kami tersapu bersih
Paduan suara
And the river rolled
Dan sungai berguling
And the night got cold
Dan malam menjadi dingin
But you held me close
Tapi kau memelukku erat-erat
And you warmed my soul
Dan kamu menghangatkan jiwaku
Repeat chorus
Ulangi paduan suara
We spent all night down by the riverside
Kami menghabiskan sepanjang malam di tepi sungai
It was too cold to swim so we just lay there
Terlalu dingin untuk berenang jadi kita hanya berbaring di sana
On the bank ’til the break of day
Di bank sampai siang hari
Though we never went in the water
Padahal kita tidak pernah masuk air
We were swept away
Kami tersapu bersih
Repeat chorus
Ulangi paduan suara
Repeat chorus
Ulangi paduan suara
We spent all night down by the riverside
Kami menghabiskan sepanjang malam di tepi sungai