Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik MGMT - The Kids Quartet

she had a four wing dinosaur
Dia memiliki empat dinosaurus sayap
that she has to draw
bahwa dia harus menggambar
she pays attention to the image that she saw, yeah
Dia memperhatikan gambar yang dia lihat, ya
a pencil to the paper
pensil ke kertas
a pluser and subtractor
pluser dan subtractor
and she makes a fine feather microraptor
dan dia membuat microraptor bulu halus

she has a four wing dinosaur
Dia memiliki empat dinosaurus sayap
that she has to draw
bahwa dia harus menggambar
she pays attention to the image that she saw, yeah
Dia memperhatikan gambar yang dia lihat, ya
a pencil to the paper
pensil ke kertas
a pluser and subtractor
pluser dan subtractor
and she makes a fine feather microraptor
dan dia membuat microraptor bulu halus

she has a four wing dinosaur
Dia memiliki empat dinosaurus sayap
that she has to draw
bahwa dia harus menggambar
she pays attention to the image that she saw, yeah
Dia memperhatikan gambar yang dia lihat, ya
a pencil to the paper
pensil ke kertas
a pluser and subtractor
pluser dan subtractor
and she makes a fine feather microraptor
dan dia membuat microraptor bulu halus

she had a four wing dinosaur
Dia memiliki empat dinosaurus sayap
that she has to draw
bahwa dia harus menggambar
she pays attention to the image that she saw, yeah
Dia memperhatikan gambar yang dia lihat, ya
a pencil to the paper
pensil ke kertas
a pluser and subtractor
pluser dan subtractor
and she makes a fine feather microraptorrrrrrrrrr!
dan dia membuat microraptorrrrrrrrrrr bulu halus!