- Arti Lirik The Earth Is My Witness

Mother earth look at her closely
Ibu bumi menatapnya erat-erat
she looks at her baby and she sighs
Dia melihat bayinya dan dia mendesah
the slight breathing pause that she takes it builds her and
Jeda bernapas ringan yang dia bawa itu membangunnya dan
makes her strong
membuatnya kuat
She refuses to give her up
Dia menolak menyerahkannya
and we close our eyes
dan kita menutup mata kita
Her hands touch the round stomach
Tangannya menyentuh perut bundar
and feel the kick
dan rasakan tendangannya
The eyes that have seen so much cry
Mata yang begitu banyak menangis
with the water she starts to rinse her face
Dengan air ia mulai membilas wajahnya
And refuses to give her up
Dan menolak menyerahkannya
And we close our eyes
Dan kita tutup mata kita
And you close your eyes
Dan kau tutup matamu