lagu Primus - Terjemahan Lirik The Chastizing Of Renegade

There was this kid in our neighborhood.
Ada anak ini di lingkungan kami.
His Pop had named him Renegade.
Pop-nya menamainya Renegade.
He lived up to his name
Dia hidup sesuai namanya
with all the trouble that he made.
dengan semua masalah yang dia buat.

One day ol’ Renegade Snuck into the Park Theater downtown
Suatu hari ol ‘Renegade menyelinap ke pusat kota Park Theatre
For a laugh he set fire to the screen,
Untuk tertawa ia membakar layar,
burnt the whole damn place to the ground.
membakar seluruh tempat kotor ke tanah.

He thought that no one would mind,
Dia berpikir bahwa tidak ada yang keberatan,
He did that sort of thing all the time.
Dia melakukan hal semacam itu sepanjang waktu.
But his Pop was waitin’ for him.
Tapi Pop-nya menunggunya.

At age fifteen Renegade,
Pada usia lima belas tahun Renegade,
stole a tow truck from Arnie’s Shell
mencuri sebuah truk derek dari Arnie’s Shell
Drove it through the front of a hardware store.
Melaju melalui bagian depan toko perangkat keras.
Spent the night in a county jail.
Menghabiskan malam di penjara county.

He didn’t seem to mind a bit.
Sepertinya dia tidak keberatan sedikit pun.
He liked the attention he would get.
Dia menyukai perhatian yang akan dia dapatkan.