Arti dan Lirik Deep Purple - Ted The Mechanic

Playing pool and drinking beer
Bermain kolam renang dan minum bir
Nothin more'n the
Tidak lagi
occasional tear
sesekali air mata
But this man's life goes on
Tapi hidup pria ini terus berlanjut
and he gets
dan dia mendapat
greased all over
gemuk seluruh
from time to time
dari waktu ke waktu
At the strip joint, where we met
Di joint strip, tempat kita bertemu
He said 'Hi, my name is Ted
Dia berkata ‘Hai, nama saya Ted
See that one over there
Lihat itu di sana
That ball of thunder
Bola guntur itu
Every time she goes Vavoom,
Setiap kali dia pergi ke Vavoom,
I wiggle in my chair
Aku bergoyang-goyang di kursiku
Can I buy you a beer?
Bisakah saya membeli bir?
What a guy
Betapa seorang pria

'I've had a few myself' he said
“Aku sudah punya beberapa sendiri ‘katanya
'But I never quit when I'm ahead
“Tapi aku tidak pernah berhenti saat aku di depan
Too many rules and regulations
Terlalu banyak peraturan dan peraturan
Stupid laws designed by fools behind closed doors
Hukum bodoh yang dirancang oleh orang bodoh di balik pintu tertutup
And another thing I won't discuss is religion
Dan hal lain yang tidak akan saya diskusikan adalah agama
It always causes a fight
Itu selalu menyebabkan pertarungan
There she goes again
Di sana dia pergi lagi
'How does she do that' said Ted
‘Bagaimana dia melakukan itu’ kata Ted

And he told me
Dan dia memberitahuku
of those unjustices (that)
dari ketidakadilan tersebut (itu)
He had suffered in his life
Dia telah menderita dalam hidupnya
His wife and kids
Istrinya dan anak-anaknya
and boss and dogs
dan bos dan anjing
and neighbours
dan tetangga
Raising cain and causing strife
Membesarkan cain dan menyebabkan perselisihan
They were forever whining
Mereka selalu merengek
Bleating howling yapping screeching moaning crying
Mendengus melolong menyeringai mengerang menangis
He fed them well
Dia memberi mereka makan dengan baik
He keep them warm
Dia membuat mereka tetap hangat

Thing about Ted
Hal tentang Ted
he didn't really care
dia tidak terlalu peduli
Nothing much got in his hair
Rambutnya tidak banyak
and the beauty of it was
dan keindahannya
that he was right
bahwa dia benar
He was big as a truck
Dia besar seperti truk
and fast as a door
dan cepat seperti pintu
(what's that?)
(apa itu?)
he was always right
dia selalu benar

The banjo player took a hike
Pemain banjo itu mendaki
What's that song
Lagu apa itu
I used to like
saya dulu seperti
He was big as a truck
Dia besar seperti truk
Fast as a door – Ted
Cepat seperti pintu – Ted
Ted the man our Ted
Ted pria Ted kita