Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik - Speedway At Nazareth

After two thousand came two thousand and one
Setelah dua ribu datang dua ribu satu
To be the new champions we were there for to run
Untuk menjadi juara baru kami berada di sana untuk berlari
From springtime in Arizona ’til the fall in Monterey
Dari musim semi di Arizona sampai jatuh di Monterey
And the raceways were the battlefields and we fought ’em all the way
Dan raceways adalah medan perang dan kami melawan mereka sepanjang jalan

Was at Phoenix in the morning I had a wake-up call
Berada di Phoenix di pagi hari saya menerima telepon bangun
She went around without a warning put me in the wall
Dia pergi berkeliling tanpa peringatan memasukkanku ke dinding
I drove Long Beach, California with three cracked vertebrae
Saya mengendarai Long Beach, California dengan tiga retak vertebra
And we went on to Indianapolis, Indiana in May
Dan kami pergi ke Indianapolis, Indiana pada bulan Mei

Well the Brickyard’s there to crucify I went flat through the turns
Baik Brickyard ada di sana untuk menyalib saya pergi flat melalui belokan
I climbed the mountain to qualify went flat through the turn
Saya mendaki gunung untuk lolos datar melalui belokan
But I was down in the might-have-beens and an old pal good as died
Tapi aku terserang cairan dan palang tua yang baik seperti mati
And I sat down in Gasoline Alley and I cried
Dan saya duduk di Gasoline Alley dan saya menangis

Well we were in at the kill again on the Milwaukee Mile
Nah, kami berada di dalam pembunuhan lagi di Milwaukee Mile
And in June up in Michigan we were robbed at Belle Isle
Dan di bulan Juni sampai di Michigan, kami dirampok di Belle Isle
Then it was on the Portland, Oregon for the G.I. Joe
Kemudian di Portland, Oregon untuk G.I. Joe
And I’d blown off almost everyone when my motor let go
Dan saya telah menghancurkan hampir semua orang saat motor saya melepaskannya

New England, Ontario we died in the dirt
New England, Ontario kita mati di tanah
Those walls from mid-Ohio to Toronto they hurt
Tembok-tembok itu dari pertengahan Ohio sampai Toronto mereka sakit
So we came to Road America where we burned up the lake
Jadi kami sampai di Jalan Amerika dimana kami membakar danau
But at the speedway at Nazareth I made no mistake
Tapi di speedway di Nazaret saya tidak membuat kesalahan