Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu Soft Serve

The body like soft serve, dripping down in the June sun,
Tubuh seperti soft serve, menetes di bawah sinar matahari bulan Juni,
I tried to shoot a thought, but the thought sunk.
Aku mencoba menembak pikiran, tapi pikiran itu tenggelam.
Nothing to do but scratch words in the dirt and
Tidak ada yang bisa dilakukan kecuali goresan kata-kata di tanah dan
Watch the water roll down.
Perhatikan air mengalir turun.

Phantom kisses buzzing like the insects.
Ciuman phantom berdengung seperti serangga.
Beads of sweat dripping down on the rent check.
Butiran keringat menetes di atas cek sewa.
My Candyland melted down to syrup while I
My Candyland meleleh ke sirup saat aku
Watched the water roll down.
Menonton air gulung ke bawah.

And here comes the lust in phaze,
Dan inilah nafsu di phaze,
but you're down in Marietta.
tapi kau di Marietta.
So sweet my mouth was seared,
Begitu manisnya mulutku terasa menyengat,
But the words you mouthed were sweeter.
Tapi kata-kata yang Anda nyanyikan lebih manis.

My Sister,
Saudara perempanku,
Your words can be held against you in a court of law.
Kata-kata Anda bisa ditahan melawan Anda di pengadilan.

My Sister, You owe no allegiance to the facts.
Saudaraku, kau tidak berutang pada fakta.

And you're talking like the saint on the site of the accident.
Dan Anda berbicara seperti orang suci di lokasi kecelakaan itu.
Talking like the clause in the lease about the late rent.
Berbicara seperti klausul di sewa tentang sewa terlambat.
Ringing like the random call patched to the payphone.
Dering seperti panggilan acak yang ditambal ke telepon umum.
Talking like the water rolls down.
Berbicara seperti air gulung ke bawah.

Talking like the saint on the site of the accident.
Berbicara seperti orang suci di lokasi kecelakaan.
Talking like the botched shot, attempt on the President.
Berbicara seperti tembakan yang gagal, usahakan pada Presiden.
Ringing like the change in the legless man's Dixie Cup.
Dering seperti perubahan Dixie Cup tanpa kaki.
Talking like the water rolls down.
Berbicara seperti air gulung ke bawah.

Day Undone,
Hari Batal,
Day Undone,
Hari Batal,
Day Undone,
Hari Batal,
Watch the water roll down.
Perhatikan air mengalir turun.