Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik 13th Floor Elevators - She Lives (in A Time Of Her Own)

She lives, no fear
Dia hidup, tidak takut
doubtless in everything she knows.
Tak diragukan lagi dalam segala hal yang dia tahu.
Through time unchecked,
Melalui waktu yang tidak terkendali,
the sureness of her flows.
keheranannya mengalir.
She leaves herself inside you when she goes.
Dia meninggalkan dirinya sendiri di dalam dirinya saat dia pergi.
She lives in a time of her own.
Dia tinggal di zamannya sendiri.
You have always heard her speaking,
Anda selalu mendengarnya berbicara,
she's always been in your ear.
dia selalu ada di telingamu
Her voice sounds a tone within you,
Suaranya terdengar seperti nada di dalam dirimu,
listen to the words you hear.
dengarkan kata-kata yang Anda dengar
Her time has no past or future,
Waktunya tidak memiliki masa lalu atau masa depan,
she lives everything she sees.
Dia menjalani semua yang dia lihat.
Her time doesn't spin outside here,
Waktunya tidak berputar di luar sini,
it's in every breath she breaths.
Dalam setiap nafas dia nafas.
She lives in a time of her own.
Dia tinggal di zamannya sendiri.
Her love whips hard like wind and stands in eager pain.
Cintanya cambuk keras seperti angin dan berdiri dalam rasa sakit.
She wins your thoughts and drives your inner planes.
Dia memenangkan pemikiran Anda dan mendorong bidang batin Anda.
She clears and shares a love that never strains.
Dia membersihkan dan berbagi cinta yang tidak pernah terasa aneh.
She lives in a time of her own.
Dia tinggal di zamannya sendiri.
You have always heard her speaking,
Anda selalu mendengarnya berbicara,
she's always been in your ear.
dia selalu ada di telingamu
Her voice sounds a tone within you,
Suaranya terdengar seperti nada di dalam dirimu,
listen to the words you hear.
dengarkan kata-kata yang Anda dengar
Her time has no past or future,
Waktunya tidak memiliki masa lalu atau masa depan,
she lives everything she sees.
Dia menjalani semua yang dia lihat.
Her time doesn't spin outside here,
Waktunya tidak berputar di luar sini,
it's in every breath she breaths.
Dalam setiap nafas dia nafas.
She lives in a time of her own.
Dia tinggal di zamannya sendiri.
Her eyes like light reflect the aura of her hair.
Matanya seperti cahaya mencerminkan aura rambutnya.
She sends, attends, behind an alpha stare.
Dia mengirim, menghadiri, di belakang tatapan alfa.
She seeks the stars and spirals up their stairs.
Dia mencari bintang dan spiral menaiki tangga mereka.
she lives in a time of her own.
dia tinggal di zamannya sendiri.
she lives in a time of her own.
dia tinggal di zamannya sendiri.
she lives in a time of her own.
dia tinggal di zamannya sendiri.
she lives in a time of her own.
dia tinggal di zamannya sendiri.