Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik Cannibal Corpse - Put Them To Death

Evil people with evil minds
Orang jahat dengan pikiran jahat
Slaughter their victims with ripping knives
Membantai korban mereka dengan merobek pisau
They should be caught and put to death
Mereka harus ditangkap dan dihukum mati
Strapped to the chair, they should die there
Terikat ke kursi, mereka harus mati di sana

Blood spewing from their eyes
Darah memancar dari mata mereka
As you hear their sinful cries
Saat Anda mendengar teriakan berdosa mereka
Destroy their evil minds
Hancurkan pikiran jahat mereka
We should take their fucking lives
Kita harus menjalani hidup sialan mereka
They should be caught and punished
Mereka harus ditangkap dan dihukum
For what they have done
Untuk apa yang telah mereka lakukan
Torture them slowly it would be fun
Menyiksa mereka perlahan akan menyenangkan
Kill them all off one by one
Bunuh mereka semua dari satu per satu

Let them go – no torture them slow
Biarkan mereka pergi – jangan siksa mereka lamban
Fuck you – and your kind
Persetan – dan jenis Anda
We don't need you, or your lives
Kami tidak membutuhkanmu, atau hidupmu
Execute by injection
Jalankan dengan suntikan
Execution by electricution
Eksekusi dengan listrik

Evil people with evil minds
Orang jahat dengan pikiran jahat
Slaughter their victims with ripping knives
Membantai korban mereka dengan merobek pisau
They should be caught and put to death
Mereka harus ditangkap dan dihukum mati
Strapped to the chair, they should die there
Terikat ke kursi, mereka harus mati di sana
~ wc ~