lagu - Terjemahan Lirik Pogo The Clown

Pogo happy clown molester
Pogo senang badut penganiaya
Paints his face to disguise the jester
Cat wajahnya untuk menyamarkan jesternya
Joined the local moose lodge chapter
Bergabung dengan bab penyewaan moose setempat
Spawning evil ever after
Pemijahan jahat pernah setelah

He picks his prey up at the bar
Dia mengambil mangsanya di bar
Gets him drunk and in the car
Mendapat dia mabuk dan di dalam mobil
Drives him home and down the stairs
Mendorongnya pulang dan menuruni tangga
Strips to his underwear
Strip ke celana dalamnya

Pogo, you're gonna burn in hell, in hell
Pogo, kau akan terbakar di neraka, di neraka

Murder victim, slice and smile
Korban korban, iris dan senyuman
Serial killer, pedophile
Pembunuh serial, pedofil
Look into those empty eyes
Lihatlah ke mata kosong itu
You know when it's your time to die
Anda tahu kapan waktunya untuk mati

He cuts you up in little bits
Dia memotongmu dalam jumlah kecil
Cuts you up in little bits
Memotong Anda dalam bit kecil
Goes bop, bop on your head again
Goes bop, bop di kepala Anda lagi
Spills your blood now he's soaked in sin
Tumpahkan darahmu sekarang dia direndam dalam dosa

Pogo, you're gonna burn in hell,in hell
Pogo, kau akan terbakar di neraka, di neraka

Drives all night through the city streets
Bergerak sepanjang malam melalui jalan-jalan kota
Where he carves his victims like a piece of meat
Dimana dia mengukir korbannya seperti sepotong daging
Spoke to the devil the other day
Berbicara kepada iblis tempo hari
And John is doing fine
Dan John baik-baik saja

Drives all night through the city streets
Bergerak sepanjang malam melalui jalan-jalan kota
Where he carves his victims like a piece of meat
Dimana dia mengukir korbannya seperti sepotong daging
Spoke to the devil the other day
Berbicara kepada iblis tempo hari
And John is doing fine
Dan John baik-baik saja

Oh, the end is true
Oh, akhirnya benar
When the sun goes down on the city streets
Saat matahari terbenam di jalanan kota
You know Pogo's comin' after you
Anda tahu komuni Pogo setelah Anda

Oh, the end is true
Oh, akhirnya benar
When the sun goes down on the city streets
Saat matahari terbenam di jalanan kota
Pogo's comin' after you
Pogo’s comin ‘setelah Anda

Drives all night through the city streets
Bergerak sepanjang malam melalui jalan-jalan kota
Where he carves his victims like a piece of meat
Dimana dia mengukir korbannya seperti sepotong daging
Spoke to the devil the other day
Berbicara kepada iblis tempo hari
And John is doing fine
Dan John baik-baik saja

Drives all night through the city streets
Bergerak sepanjang malam melalui jalan-jalan kota
Where he carves his victims like a piece of meat
Dimana dia mengukir korbannya seperti sepotong daging
Spoke to the devil the other day
Berbicara kepada iblis tempo hari
And John is doing fine
Dan John baik-baik saja

Pogo, you're gonna burn in hell
Pogo, kamu akan terbakar di neraka