Terjemahan Lirik Ella Fitzgerald - Ol' Man Mose

Now one time there lived an old man
Suatu saat di sana tinggal seorang tua
With a very crooked nose
Dengan hidung yang sangat bengkok
He lived inside a log hut
Dia tinggal di dalam pondok kayu
and they called him ol’ man Mose
dan mereka memanggilnya pria Mose
One dark and dreary morning I knocked upon his door
Suatu pagi yang gelap dan suram aku mengetuk pintunya
I didn’t hear a single sound
Aku tidak mendengar satu suara pun
so I ain’t gonna do it no more.
jadi saya tidak akan melakukannya lagi.

‘cos I believe ol’ man, I believe ol’ man
‘Saya percaya pria’, saya percaya pria
I believe ol’ man, thatol’ man Mose is dead.
Saya percaya ol ‘man, thatol’ man Mose sudah mati.
I believe ol’ man, I believe ol’ man
Saya percaya manusia, saya percaya manusia
I believe ol’ man, that ol’ man Mose is dead.
Saya yakin pria ‘ol’, bahwa ol ‘man Mose sudah mati.

(Now you believe) Mose kicked the bucket
(Sekarang Anda percaya) Mose menendang ember
(You believe) Mose kicked the bucket
(Anda yakin) Mose menendang ember
(You believe) Mose kicked the bucket
(Anda yakin) Mose menendang ember
(You believe he’s dead)
(Anda yakin dia sudah mati)

(You believe) Mose kicked the bucket
(Anda yakin) Mose menendang ember
(You believe) Mose kicked the bucket
(Anda yakin) Mose menendang ember
(You believe) Mose kicked the bucket
(Anda yakin) Mose menendang ember
(You believe he’s dead)
(Anda yakin dia sudah mati)

Now listen here,
Sekarang dengarkan di sini,
I went round to the window
Aku pergi ke jendela
And I peeped in through the crack,
Dan aku mengintip melalui celah itu,
Inside there was an old man
Di dalamnya ada seorang tua
Laying flat upon his back
Berbaring telentang
I thought that he was sleeping
Saya pikir dia sedang tidur
Head hung to the floor
Kepala tergantung ke lantai
He didn’t make a single move
Dia tidak melakukan gerakan tunggal
So I ain’t gonna do it no more
Jadi saya tidak akan melakukannya lagi

‘cos I found out ol’ man, I found out ol’ man
Saya tahu, saya tahu, saya tahu
yeah, I found out ol’ man, ol’ man Mose is dead
ya, aku tahu, manusia sudah mati

(‘cos you found out) ol’ man
(‘cos you found out) ol’ man
(you found out) ol’ man
(kamu tahu) ol ‘man
(you found out) ol’ man
(kamu tahu) ol ‘man
(you found out he’s dead)
(Anda tahu dia sudah mati)

(you found out) Mose kicked the bucket
(Anda tahu) Mose menendang ember
(you found out) Mose kicked the bucket
(Anda tahu) Mose menendang ember
(you found out) Mose kicked the bucket
(Anda tahu) Mose menendang ember
(you found out he’s dead)
(Anda tahu dia sudah mati)

(you found out) Mose kicked the bucket
(Anda tahu) Mose menendang ember
(you found out) Mose kicked the bucket
(Anda tahu) Mose menendang ember
(you found out) Mose kickin’ up daisies
(Anda tahu) Mose menendang bunga aster
(you found out he’s dead)
(Anda tahu dia sudah mati)

Old Man Mose is dead.
Old Man Mose sudah mati.