Arti dan Lirik - Nestor, The Long Eared Christmas Donkey

Everyone knows about Rudolph
Semua orang tahu tentang Rudolph
Our fleet-footed friend from the north
Teman kaki armada kita dari utara
Who lights Santa's way through the darkness
Siapa yang menyalakan jalan Santa melalui kegelapan
As he drives his sleigh back and forth
Saat dia mendorong giringnya maju-mundur
But there's someone else we should mention
Tapi ada orang lain yang harus kita sebutkan
If we want the whole story told
Jika kita ingin seluruh cerita diceritakan
He carried the first gift of Christmas
Dia membawa hadiah Natal yang pertama
More precious than diamonds or gold
Lebih berharga dari berlian atau emas

Nestor was a donkey who seldom laughed or played
Nestor adalah keledai yang jarang tertawa atau bermain
'Cause no one evey used him in the stable where he stayed
Karena tidak ada orang yang menggunakannya di istal tempat dia tinggal
And all the camels teased him, the other donkeys too
Dan semua unta menggodanya, keledai lainnya juga
They said, look at little Nestor, there's nothin' he can do
Mereka bilang, lihat sedikit Nestor, tidak ada yang bisa dia lakukan

Look at little Nestor, his ears hang to his knees
Lihatlah sedikit Nestor, telinganya menempel di lututnya
When he looks at his reflection, ears are all he sees
Saat dia melihat bayangannya, telinga hanya dia lihat
Nestor's heart was broken and his eyes were full of tears
Hati Nestor patah dan matanya penuh air mata
If only there was somethin' he could do about his ears
Seandainya saja ada yang bisa dia lakukan dengan telinganya

One dark night two strangers gave Nestor a surprise
Suatu malam yang gelap dua orang asing memberi kejutan kepada Nestor
They chose him from all others for they loved his gentle eyes
Mereka memilihnya dari yang lainnya karena mereka menyukai matanya yang lembut
A man was called by Joseph, Mary was his bride
Seorang pria dipanggil oleh Yusuf, Maria adalah istrinya
She needed help to Bethlehem and Nestor's back to ride
Dia membutuhkan bantuan ke Betlehem dan punggung Nestor untuk naik

They travelled through the desert but hadn't gone too far
Mereka melewati padang pasir tapi tidak pergi terlalu jauh
When winter clouds no longer let them see their guiding star
Saat awan musim dingin tidak lagi membiarkan mereka melihat bintang pemandu mereka
But Nestor learned a secret as he listened to the breeze
Tapi Nestor belajar rahasia saat dia mendengarkan angin sepoi-sepoi
And the angels gave directions to the ears that touched his knees
Dan malaikat memberi arahan ke telinga yang menyentuh lututnya

Look at little Nestor, his ears hang to his knees
Lihatlah sedikit Nestor, telinganya menempel di lututnya
When he looks at his reflection, ears are all he sees
Saat dia melihat bayangannya, telinga hanya dia lihat
Nestor's heart was broken and his eyes were full of tears
Hati Nestor patah dan matanya penuh air mata
If only there was somethin' he could do about his ears
Seandainya saja ada yang bisa dia lakukan dengan telinganya

And so it was that Nestor found the manger where they stayed
Dan begitulah Nestor menemukan palungan tempat mereka tinggal
Where kings and wise men bowed before the baby where he lay
Dimana raja dan orang bijak membungkuk di depan bayi tempat dia berbaring
Mary bore our Saviour and Nestor brought them there
Mary melahirkan Juruselamat dan Nestor membawa mereka ke sana
A gift of love from God above for all the world to share
Karunia kasih dari Tuhan di atas agar seluruh dunia bisa berbagi

Though, Rudolph, I just love you, I know you'd want it said
Meski begitu, Rudolph, aku hanya mencintaimu, aku tahu kau pasti menginginkannya
Nestor's ears are lovely as a reindeer's nose is red
Telinga Nestor indah sekali karena hidung rusa merah
So children, if you're happy when you trim your Christmas trees
Jadi anak-anak, jika Anda senang saat Anda memangkas pohon natal Anda
You might thank a little donkey whose ears hung to his knees
Anda mungkin berterima kasih pada keledai kecil yang telinganya berlutut