Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu Myriad Of Peep-holes

The nimbus of the moon
Nimbus bulan
Resting on a bitch – dark sky
Beristirahat dengan menyebalkan – langit gelap
Pierced by a needle
Ditusuk jarum
A myriad of peep – holes
Segudang lubang mengintip
Yg memperjelas
The moist earth against my ear
Bumi lembab di telingaku
Hear the moles industrious search for a lair
Dengarkan tahi lalat rajin mencari sarang
Who throws the serpents swimming in the air
Yang melempar ular yang berenang di udara

By the birches
Oleh birch
Wings are trembling
Sayap gemetar
The beetle buzzes
Kumbang berdengung
Waving its feelers
Melambaikan perisainya
Come drink with me
Ayo minum bersamaku
The moonbeams will make us reel
Bulan akan membuat kita berputar
Who throws the serpents dancing in the air
Yang melempar ular-ular itu menari-nari di udara