Neil Young - Lagu Misfits Lirik Terjemahan

Up in that new space station
Sampai di stasiun luar angkasa yang baru
Living Kennedy's dream
Mimpi hidup Kennedy
There was an automatic camera
Ada kamera otomatis
Shooting elephantine.
Menembak gajah.

Well the crew was relaxing
Baik kru santai
Before the video screen
Sebelum layar video
Watching old re-runs
Menonton lama berjalan kembali
Of Mohammed Ali.
Dari Mohammed Ali

The voice of Houston callin'
Suara Houston menelepon ‘
Brought them back to the scene
Membawa mereka kembali ke tempat kejadian
Except the sky is fallin'
Kecuali langit jatuh
Do you know what that means?
Apakah kamu tahu apa artinya itu?

Out on that Texas sidewalk
Keluar dari trotoar Texas itu
Through the hotel mezzanine
Melalui hotel mezzanine
There walked a see-thru' hooker
Ada yang berjalan dengan tembus pandang
To a suite with two TVs.
Untuk suite dengan dua TV.

But by the elevator
Tapi di dekat lift
She began to sneeze
Dia mulai bersin
With an attack so uncontrolled
Dengan serangan yang begitu tak terkendali
It brought her to her knees.
Hal itu membuatnya berlutut.

And then the hotel doctor
Dan kemudian dokter hotel
With nurse and stethoscope
Dengan perawat dan stetoskop
Announced the worst is over
Mengumumkan yang terburuk sudah berakhir
But for her there is no hope.
Tapi baginya tidak ada harapan.

Way down in South Dakota
Jalan di South Dakota
On the Needles Highway
Di jalan raya jarum
There's a lone red rider
Ada pengendara merah tunggal
On the road today.
Di jalan hari ini.

And though his war is over
Dan meski perangnya usai
He's fightin' on anyway
Dia terus berjuang
Although he's seldom sober
Meski dia jarang mabuk
He's drinking whisky all day.
Dia minum wiski sepanjang hari.

Down in that old box canyon
Turun di ngarai kotak tua itu
Where only misfits can go
Dimana hanya keliru bisa pergi
He rides with no companion
Dia mengendarai tanpa teman
But saloon and rodeo.
Tapi saloon dan rodeo.

Up in that new space station
Sampai di stasiun luar angkasa yang baru
Living Kennedy's dream
Mimpi hidup Kennedy
There's an automatic camera
Ada kamera otomatis
Shooting elephantine.
Menembak gajah.

Well the crew is relaxing
Nah kru santai
Before the video screen
Sebelum layar video
Watching old re-runs
Menonton lama berjalan kembali
Of Mohammed Ali.
Dari Mohammed Ali

The voice of Houston callin'
Suara Houston menelepon ‘
Brought them back to the scene
Membawa mereka kembali ke tempat kejadian
Except the sky is fallin'
Kecuali langit jatuh
Do you know what that means?
Apakah kamu tahu apa artinya itu?