Arti Lirik - Mansion In Sorrow

Mansion in sorrow, mansion in the dark
Rumah dalam kesedihan, rumah dalam kegelapan
Maybe tomorrow the Devils mark
Mungkin besok tanda setan

The gates were locked from the inside
Pintu gerbang terkunci dari dalam
And Abigail was sure to die
Dan Abigail pasti akan mati
Then Little One went straight through her body
Lalu Little One langsung menembus tubuhnya
And the gates, they opened wide
Dan gerbangnya, mereka membuka lebar
And Little One went up the stairs to the old oak door
Dan Little One menaiki tangga menuju pintu kayu ek tua

Mansion in sorrow, mansion in the dark
Rumah dalam kesedihan, rumah dalam kegelapan
Maybe tomorrow the Devils mark
Mungkin besok tanda setan

Solo: Mike
Solo: Mike

Mansion in sorrow, mansion in the dark
Rumah dalam kesedihan, rumah dalam kegelapan
Maybe tomorrow the Devils mark
Mungkin besok tanda setan

Lightning was striking the trees all around
Petir menyambar pepohonan di sekelilingnya
Abigail still in shock, awoken by the sound
Abigail masih shock, terbangun oleh suaranya

Run better run, run better run after Little One
Jalankan berjalan lebih baik, jalankan lebih baik jalankan Little One
Run better run, run after Little One
Jalankan lebih baik jalankan, jalankan setelah Little One
But Little One had gone, gone to the beyond
Tapi Little One telah pergi, pergi ke luar
Mansion in sorrow, mansion in the dark
Rumah dalam kesedihan, rumah dalam kegelapan

Solo: Andy
Solo: Andy

Suddenly the door was open, Where have you been my dear?
Tiba-tiba pintu terbuka, kemana kau sayangku?
Im Brandon Henry and I serve the master here
Im Brandon Henry dan saya melayani tuan di sini

Through a maze of gloomy hallways and candles black
Melalui labirin lorong-lorong suram dan lilin hitam
Safe from the storm she followed the man with the shaven head
Aman dari badai ia mengikuti pria dengan kepala gundul
They went into a room that was like a shrine
Mereka masuk ke ruangan yang seperti tempat pemujaan
Jewellry and dresses too in cabinets made of glass
Jewellry dan gaun juga di lemari yang terbuat dari kaca
Portraits on the walls, 18 in all
Potret di dinding, 18 di semua
A strong scent of old perfume, and then there was THE HAIR
Aroma parfum tua yang kuat, lalu ada RAMBUT

Long black lifeless hair
Rambut hitam panjang tak bernyawa