Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik - Makin' Thunderbirds

The big line moved one mile an hour
Garis besar bergerak satu mil per jam
So loud it really hurt
Begitu keras rasanya sangat sakit
The big line moved so loud
Garis besar bergerak begitu keras
It really hurt
Ini sangat menyakitkan
Back in ’55
Kembali di ’55
We were makin’ thunderbirds
Kami membuat thunderbird

We filled conveyors
Kami mengisi konveyor
We met production
Kami bertemu produksi
Foremen didn’t waste words
Paksa tidak menyia-nyiakan kata-kata
We met production
Kami bertemu produksi
Foremen didn’t waste words
Paksa tidak menyia-nyiakan kata-kata
We were young and proud
Kami masih muda dan bangga
We were makin’ thunderbirds
Kami membuat thunderbird

We were makin’ thunderbirds
Kami membuat thunderbird
We were makin’ thunderbirds
Kami membuat thunderbird
They were long and low and sleek and fast
Mereka panjang dan rendah dan ramping dan cepat
They were all you ever heard
Mereka semua pernah Anda dengar
Back in ’55
Kembali di ’55
We were makin’ thunderbirds
Kami membuat thunderbird

Now the years have flown and the plants have changed
Kini tahun-tahun telah terbang dan tanamannya telah berubah
And you’re lucky if you work
Dan Anda beruntung jika Anda bekerja
The big line moves but you’re lucky if you work
Garis besar bergerak tapi Anda beruntung jika Anda bekerja
Back in ’55
Kembali di ’55
We were makin’ thunderbirds
Kami membuat thunderbird

We were makin’ thunderbirds
Kami membuat thunderbird
We were makin’ thunderbirds
Kami membuat thunderbird
They were long and low and sleek and fast
Mereka panjang dan rendah dan ramping dan cepat
They were classic in a word
Mereka klasik dalam sebuah kata
Back in ’55
Kembali di ’55
We were makin’ thunderbirds
Kami membuat thunderbird
We were young and proud
Kami masih muda dan bangga
We were makin’ thunderbirds
Kami membuat thunderbird
We were young and sure
Kami masih muda dan yakin
We were makin’ thunderbirds
Kami membuat thunderbird