The Promise Ring - Arti Lirik Jersey Shore

Bored walking on the boardwalk,
Bosan berjalan di jalan setapak,
New Jersey Shore.
New Jersey Shore.
If I come to New York,
Jika saya datang ke New York,
can I sleep on your floor?
bisakah aku tidur di lantai?
I've been living out of a suitcase on the motel floor
Aku sudah tinggal di luar koper di lantai motel
and running up tabs at the corner store.
dan menjalankan tab di pojok toko.
I'm barely walking on the boardwalk anymore.
Aku hampir tidak berjalan di boardwalk lagi.
When summer gets along,
Saat musim panas tiba,
your hair gets too long.
rambutmu terlalu panjang
I'm picking up the habit of drinking long before four,
Aku meminum kebiasaan minum jauh sebelum pukul empat,
when July is gone,
saat jatuhnya Juli,
I'll be twenty-four and then not anymore.
Aku akan berumur dua puluh empat dan sekarang tidak lagi.
New Jersey shore,
Pantai New Jersey,
New Jersey shore,
Pantai New Jersey,
then not anymore.
maka tidak lagi.