Arti Lirik Nine Inch Nails - I'm Looking Forward to Joining You Finally

as black as the night can get
sehitam malam bisa
everything is safer now
semuanya lebih aman sekarang
there is always a way to forget
selalu ada cara untuk melupakan
once you learn to find a way how
Begitu Anda belajar menemukan caranya

in the blur of serenity
dalam kabur ketenangan
where did everything get lost?
dimana semuanya hilang?
the flowers of naivete
bunga naif
buried in a layer of frost
terkubur di lapisan embun beku

the smell of sunshine
bau sinar matahari
i remember sometimes
Aku ingat kadang-kadang

thought he had it all before they called his bluff
pikir dia memilikinya semua sebelum mereka memanggil tebingnya
found out that his skin wasn’t thick enough
menemukan bahwa kulitnya tidak cukup tebal
wanted to go back to how it was before
ingin kembali ke bagaimana sebelumnya
thought he lost everything
pikir dia kehilangan segalanya
then he lost a whole lot more
maka dia kehilangan lebih banyak lagi

a fool’s destination
tujuan orang bodoh
swallowed up in a empty space
ditelan di ruang kosong
the tear of regret
air mata penyesalan
frozen to the side his face
Membekukan sisi wajahnya

the smell of sunshine
bau sinar matahari
i remember sometimes
Aku ingat kadang-kadang

i’ve done all i can do
Saya telah melakukan semua yang bisa saya lakukan
could i please come with you?
bisakah aku ikut denganmu
the smell of sunshine
bau sinar matahari
i remember sometimes
Aku ingat kadang-kadang