Arti Lirik - I Do It For Your Love featuring Paul Simon

Kami menikah pada hari hujan
We were married on a rainy day
Langit berwarna kuning
The sky was yellow
Dan rumputnya abu-abu
And the grass was gray
Kami menandatangani surat-suratnya
We signed the papers
Dan kami pun pergi
And we drove away
Aku melakukannya demi cintamu
I do it for your love

Kamar yang apak
The rooms were musty
Dan pipa sudah tua
And the pipes were old
Sepanjang musim dingin itu kami menderita flu
All that winter we shared a cold
Minum semua jus jeruk
Drank all the orange juice
Itu bisa kita pegang
That we could hold
Aku melakukannya demi cintamu
I do it for your love

Menemukan karpet
Found a rug
Di toko barang bekas
In an old junk shop
Dan aku membawanya pulang untukmu
And I brought it home to you
Sepanjang jalan warna itu berlari
Along the way the colors ran
Jeruknya berdarah biru
The orange bled the blue

Sengatan akal
The sting of reason
Percikan air mata
The splash of tears
Bagian utara dan selatan
The northern and the southern
Cinta muncul
Love emerges
Dan itu lenyap
And it disappears
Aku melakukannya demi cintamu
I do it for your love
Aku melakukannya demi cintamu
I do it for your love