Ditulis oleh: Krisdayanti
Performed by: The Highwaymen (Kris Kristofferson)
Dilakukan oleh: The Highwaymen (Krisdayanti)
Appears on: The Road Goes on Forever-1995 & The Road Goes on Forever (10th Anniversary Edition)-2005.
Muncul di: Jalan Menuju Selamanya-1995 & Jalan Menuju Selamanya (Edisi HUT ke-10) -2005.
The scene was a small roadside cafe.
Adegan itu adalah sebuah kafe pinggir jalan kecil.
The waitress was sweepin’ the floor.
Pelayan itu menyapu lantai.
Two truck drivers drinkin’ their coffee,
Dua supir truk minum kopi mereka,
And two Okie kids by the door.
Dan dua anak Okie di dekat pintu.
“How much are them candies?” they asked her.
“Berapa harganya permen?” mereka bertanya padanya
“How much have you got?” she replied.
“Berapa banyak yang Anda dapatkan?” jawabnya.
“We’ve only a penny between us.”
“Kami hanya satu sen di antara kami.”
“Them’s two for a penny,” she lied.
“Mereka dua untuk satu sen,” dia berbohong.
And the daylight grew heavy with thunder,
Dan siang hari semakin lebat karena guntur,
With the smell of the rain on the wind.
Dengan bau hujan di atas angin.
Ain’t it just like a human?
Bukankah itu seperti manusia?
Here comes that rainbow again.
Inilah pelangi lagi.
One truck driver called to the waitress,
Seorang sopir truk memanggil pelayan itu,
After the kids went outside.
Setelah anak-anak keluar.
“Them candies ain’t two for a penny,”
“Mereka permen tidak dua untuk sepeser pun,”
“So what’s it to you?” she replied.
“Jadi, apa itu untukmu?” jawabnya.
In silence they finished their coffee.
Dengan diam mereka menghabiskan kopi mereka.
Got up and nodded goodbye.
Bangun dan mengangguk selamat tinggal.
She called,”Hey, you left too much money.”
Dia memanggil, “Hei, Anda meninggalkan terlalu banyak uang.”
“So what’s it to you?” they replied.
“Jadi, apa itu untukmu?” jawab mereka
And the daylight was heavy with thunder,
Dan siang hari penuh dengan guntur,
With the smell of the rain on the wind.
Dengan bau hujan di atas angin.
Ain’t it just like a human?
Bukankah itu seperti manusia?
Here comes that rainbow again.
Inilah pelangi lagi.
Ain’t it just like a human?
Bukankah itu seperti manusia?
Here comes that rainbow again.
Inilah pelangi lagi.