Arti Lirik - Harry Bridges

Bloody thursday was july 6th
Hari Kamis yang berdarah adalah tanggal 6 juli
the pigs killed 3 workers harry bridges grabbed the mic
babi membunuh 3 pekerja jembatan harry meraih mikrofon
The city shut down july 6th the workers outrage it was a general strike
Kota tutup pada tanggal 6 juli ke-6, kemarahan pekerja itu adalah pemogokan umum
The media clamed that the commies were taking over and some believed it was true
Media mengatakan bahwa komune telah mengambil alih dan beberapa percaya itu benar
3 uncompremising strikes was paved the way
3 pemogokan tanpa kompromi membuka jalan
Minn Sf and Toledo
Minn Sf dan Toledo

Over and over again the doors are locked
Lagi-lagi pintu terkunci
and the windows are broken
dan jendelanya rusak

Eddie worked for general motors and he swore
Eddie bekerja untuk motor umum dan dia bersumpah
that he´d never lose his job again
bahwa dia tidak akan kehilangan pekerjaannya lagi
A union man who owned his own home
Seorang pria serikat yang memiliki rumahnya sendiri
in beautiful flint michigan
di batu michigan yang indah

Eddie lost his job and eddie lost his wife
Eddie kehilangan pekerjaannya dan Eddie kehilangan istrinya
So eddie lost his self esteme
Jadi eddie kehilangan esteem dirinya
The last time i saw eddie
Terakhir kali aku melihat eddie
he was living in the trailer park again
Dia tinggal di taman trailer lagi

Over and over again the doors are locked
Lagi-lagi pintu terkunci
and the windows are broken
dan jendelanya rusak

I believe eddie for gave too much too soon
Saya percaya eddie terlalu banyak memberi terlalu banyak
I got a letter from eddie and it was bad news
Saya mendapat surat dari eddie dan itu kabar buruk

Over and over again the doors are locked
Lagi-lagi pintu terkunci
and the windows are broken
dan jendelanya rusak