Terjemahan Lirik James Taylor - Lagu Going Around One More Time

My heart had been broken and I couldn't take no more.
Hatiku hancur dan aku tidak tahan lagi.
I shuttered up my windows and I bolted tight my door.
Aku mematikan jendelaku dan aku mengunci pintuku.
Then I took one look at you and I nearly lost my mind.
Lalu aku melihatmu dan aku hampir kehilangan akal.

Now I'm going 'round going 'round, going 'round going around one more time.
Sekarang aku akan ‘berputar-putar’, berputar-putar lagi lagi.
Yes I'm going 'round going 'round, going 'round going around one more time.
Ya, aku akan ‘berputar-putar’, berputar-putar lagi lagi.

Betty was a little heartbreaker, it didn't quite work out.
Betty adalah seorang detak jantung kecil, itu tidak cukup berhasil.
She did a number on my confidence, I was riddled with self doubt.
Dia melakukan sejumlah keyakinan saya, saya penuh dengan keraguan diri.
I said that's it, I'm through, I quit, then Juanita, she looked so fine.
Aku bilang begitu, aku sudah selesai, aku berhenti, lalu Juanita, dia terlihat sangat baik.

Now I'm going 'round going 'round, going 'round going around one more time.
Sekarang aku akan ‘berputar-putar’, berputar-putar lagi lagi.
Yes I'm going 'round going 'round, going 'round going around one more time.
Ya, aku akan ‘berputar-putar’, berputar-putar lagi lagi.

'Round and 'round in a circle, it's always the same.
‘Bulat dan’ berputar dalam lingkaran, itu selalu sama.
One moment you swear you've had enough, the next you've got to know her name.
Suatu saat Anda bersumpah sudah cukup, selanjutnya Anda harus tahu namanya.
All on my own, it wasn't that bad, I was getting by as I could get.
Semua saya sendiri, itu tidak seburuk itu, saya bisa mendapatkan apa yang saya bisa dapatkan.
I stopped into a drug store for one pack of cigarettes.
Aku berhenti di toko obat untuk satu pak rokok.
She didn't have a quarter, had to call her cousin Kate
Dia tidak punya seperempat, harus memanggil sepupunya Kate
and could I lend her maybe one thin dime?
dan bisakah aku meminjamkannya satu sepeser pun?

Now I'm going 'round going 'round, going 'round going around one more time.
Sekarang aku akan ‘berputar-putar’, berputar-putar lagi lagi.
Yes I'm going 'round going 'round, going 'round going around one more time.
Ya, aku akan ‘berputar-putar’, berputar-putar lagi lagi.